It's the difference between having a sense of shame, and having none at all. Republicans, while certainly not perfect lately, at least retain a sense of shame when one of their own goes off the rails of morality. Democrats—having no internal moral rails—have no shame when they become morally derailed and they behave accordingly. It's like expecting a hyena to apologize for being a hyena. It's what they do. Why should we expect any different from them? Accordingly, the dishonor that comes from electing these sociopaths falls entirely on the heads of the moral cripples who elect them. That would exclude me. I didn't vote for any of the current crop of vultures. The hyena is just being a hyena, and the vulture is just being a vulture; but the person who uses his or her got to put a hyena or vulture into office is either A) being a scoundrel of the lowest order, or B) an easily deceived fool.JALLEN wrote:Now, see, at the risk of initiating a political cat fight or something, this is one of the prime reasons one should never vote for Democrats, or they should be barred from holding office in the first place.
When a Republican gets caught in some unseemly conduct, (s)he almost invariably resigns in disgrace and either serves whatever punishment results or disappears from public view, or both. My former Congressman, Duke Cunningham, recently residing in the Federal pokey in Tucson, is a regrettable example.
When a Democrat gets caught, first they deny it. Then, they attack the accusers. Next, they concede that perhaps they were involved peripherally, but the misconduct certainly isn't of a nature or degree that should interfere with the important work they are engaged in for the public. Then, they elect to go into rehab for whatever it was, booze, drugs, sex, gambling, etc. By the time a Grand Jury gets around to it, they are almost cleansed of guilt.
Shall I list the instances:
The Mayor of San Diego until recently, before which he was a Democrat Congressman, Bob Filner
Jesse Jackson, Jr.
Bill J. Clinton
Assorted Kennedys
For those of us of a certain age, the Abscam Defendants, 1 Senator and a softball team of Congressmen
Wilbur Mills
Congressman William Jefferson with the cold hard cash in his freezer
and my favorite, The Honorable Alcee Hastings, one of the very few Federal judges in US history to be impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate, for bribery, after which, apparently on the theory that if you can 't beat 'em, join 'em, he has served in the House for 11 or 12 terms now.
There are many, many more, of course.
Neither (A) nor (B) should be entrusted with the voting franchise, but the that's the way of it, and since scoundrels and fools have taken over control of our public education, their influence will only grow stronger, and that is why the United States of America which I was born into—one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all—is deader than a raccoon hide nailed to a barn door. Nobody....or at least, very few people anymore.....actually believes in "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." I'm just waiting for The People to realize it and internalize it, so that they will be willing to DO something about scoundrels and fools. If they never do, which seems increasingly likely, then we are finished.