The media, and the corrupt anti-2A politicians will trot down their usual path following yet another horrible mass shooting incident.
Once again - we have a person known to have been " undergoing treatment for severe mental illness " .
Ft Worth police department gave this nut a pass for firing a round through the floor of his upstairs neighbor - 'cause he was cooking while cleaning his LOADED gun, and his finger accidentally "slipped" onto the trigger discharging a round. He is said to have shot out a tire on someone's car once. Nothing here.....?
I suggest that before the gun-ban rant gets fully underway - that the focus be shifted FORWARD to what is going to be done to PREVENT the next mass shooting. The anti's are counting on more...and more..... such tragedies until critical mass is reached and enough people are ready to shred the 2nd Amendment.
I have no more faith that anything will be done to stop these insane mass shooters BEFORE they act- than that carjackers, home invaders, armed robbers, rapists, child molesters , or serial killers will ever be stopped by the police BEFORE they act.
What really ticks me off amid the discussion of yet another mass shooting of defenseless citizens is this Dallas ISD police spokesman on Channel 11 last night arguing against the decision by DISD to FINALLY arm a few teachers, and staff - 10 month's post-Sandy Hook.
The fact that we are still hand-wringing about whether or not to arm the very people who are being targeted by mass shooters - is clearly being STUCK ON STUPID.
We the people need to look ourselves in the mirror and answer this very simple question -( that any 1st grader could get right)
If I found myself in the center of a school or other workplace mass shooter situation -would I like to be armed with a gun ?
This is not a trick question - and it's doesn't require compound calculus to arrive at the correct answer.