JP171 wrote:conspiracy theorists unite now and bring the Monolithic US GUBBERMINT to its knees!!!! we must remember to keep our tinfoil and copper outer wear on and sealed and bonded so that THE GUBBERMINT kaint finger it out what we is doin.
ok nuff with the conspiracy stuff, it isn't getting old its been old. yea the report probably says a lot of things and most of it will be out of context. the alphabet agencies that make up the government can't find their own butt with a map both hands and a flashlight even with a 1 hour block of instruction. so wail on and when it never happens your going to be a scientologist, but remember don't drink the purple kool aid
I don't know what you're on, or what demon seems to be possessing you at the moment and preventing you from being more lucid, but it seems most people including those in Congress seem to be on the same stuff.
To catch a few terrorists, our own government has been shown to be capturing pretty much ALL telephone and internet communications of ALL U.S. Citizens. Here's a tip, the ENEMIES who HATE us and want to rape, torture, behead and enslave us, are -overseas-. Go bug them. Pun not intended. Some like to brag about taking the head off the snake, or of 'winning hearts and minds'. None of it has really worked, has it? It never will. There's only one way to make war and win, and it requires NO concern for collateral damages. Anyone who disagrees, has history to show them them their error. After all, the enemy didn't mind killing about 3,000 American CIVILIANS, so why should we care about theirs? In fact, the enemy has rarely ever cared about civilian casualties. And only when WE have, have we lost wars.
Back to the point, as for bugging the entire United States of America, and using tech companies to do it, doesn't that make the average citizen who is being bugged, an ADVERSARY by default? The next person that says that they only get 'metadata', is an idiot. Who REALLY believes they only trap the date time and end points of either a phone call or any internet traffic? Is anyone really that naive, or are they just play-acting for some reason? And now we see that they have had active relationships (coerced or otherwise) with tech companies to provide access to hardware and software via 'back-doors', and we still have 'doubting Thomases' who don't believe all this stuff is going on, and worse, others in Congress who seem powerless to act?
Just an FYI, but there are many companies out there who have their own I.T. departments who can not only monitor EVERYONE's internet activities, but also have the ability to decrypt your communications and see your passwords, including banking passwords, if they wanted to. And this is with standard commercially available hardware. There is security software you can buy for yourself that will turn on your camera on your computer or laptop and track it if it gets stolen. Even the State Department warned visitors to China during their Olympics to NOT turn on their Blackberries, because the Chinese could hack into them and turn on the mic's and the camera's w/o the user's knowledge, and continue to use that infected phone when the person returned to the U.S.
So if a regular company can do these things, and the Chinese were already DOING these things YEARS AGO, what do you think OUR government can do? Answer: they can see and hear ANYTHING you do if they wanted to LIVE, in REAL time. And the 'analysts' who see and hear this, don't really need a court order to do it.
Banking companies do it all the time, using keystroke loggers on their own employees computers for security and audit purposes. I.T. departments can see EXACTLY what you are looking at on your own computer screen, LIVE, in real time, if they want to. And all this news about what the NSA is doing is surprising? Really? What do you think your company can do with YOUR 'work' cell phone? Take a guess. And if they can do it, what do you think the NSA can do? Come on people.
It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to realize this, especially in this day and age. Then again, perhaps you should read more. Ignoring or not using modern technological capabilities doesn't make them non-existent, it just means you're ignorant.
We really didn't have to bug the entire United States, let alone most of the rest of the world to stop the hostilities of aggressive MUSLIM nations run by egotistical evil self-serving tyrants who steal, i.e. EMBEZZLE, all the 'AID' they receive from the United States and who care next to nothing for their own people. Really, all we had to do was bomb the hell out of anyone who harmed our citizens, and let those enemies of ours deal with the mess they caused and rebuild themselves if they STILL harbored animosity against the United States. It worked in WW-II, but only because there were NO considerations for collateral damage, which resulted in a populace which was FORCED to rethink their 'ways' AND THEIR LEADERS. Since they did, we helped them, and they're now allies.
In case anybody hasn't noticed, the people in Afghanistan, Iraq and the rest of the Muslim world for that matter, have NOT relented of their hatred of the West. They kill and rape us anytime they have a chance, when they're not too busy killing each other in the name of their 'peaceful religion'.
Haven't seen any pictures of the bodies of our fallen war hero's, have we? Perhaps there's a reason for that. Perhaps if we saw those, this entire country would declare a righteous war in a heartbeat against the animals who rape, torture and kill our warriors and people. But perhaps everyone's too 'peace-loving' for those sentiments, until it shows up at your own doorstep...
But since everyone wants to be politically correct, including assuming that the "moderates" in Islam are peace-lovers, and that we all should be their 'friends', well, we all just sealed our own fate.
Having cameras on every street corner, and bugging every PC and phone in America won't catch or stop the bad guys who hate us.
And people really believe our enemies didn't ALREADY know all about our eavesdropping capabilities? Really? Who again is that NAIVE?
FYI, Our enemies who hate us are all just laughing at us because of the ineptitude, stupidity and cowardice of our 'leaders' and the people who have been blinded by political correctness.
You'll find it's a weakness none of them are burdened with. They don't care for Americans, Christians, or Jews. In fact, they hate our guts, and that's the truth.
So much for 'tolerance'.
Our enemies have none.
There is only one country in Africa and the Middle East where one SHOULD be safe and live peacefully with rights similar to those of our own nation, and that is the tiny country of Israel.
I said, SHOULD be safe, because those few million brave Israeli's have been holding out against hundreds of millions of surrounding Arabs who hate them and love to blow them up at every opportunity. Hence the 'should' be safe comment. And what does the U.S. do? We FORCE them to have idiotic 'peace processes' which endanger their citizens and practically prevent them from defending themselves. Yet when the U.S. is attacked, we (rightly!) start wars! The word for that people, is HYPOCRISY, and it's had MURDEROUS results for the Israelis.
So now we have an Administration which is obsequious to the point of nausea towards Muslims, especially Al-Qaeda linked Muslims (see Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Syrian and Libyan Rebels, and I thought we didn't negotiate with terrorists?), yet is more than willing to turn a blind eye to the welfare of Israel and leave them twisting in the wind with barely an outward show of support. The situation is not only revolting and HYPOCRITICAL, it's TRAITOROUS, and will only get worse. The brave hero's of the Alamo would have been disgusted with the way this country has dealt with the vastly outnumbered Israelis (who look just like US, because they're RELATED!), and with our own people.
This country is way overloaded with STUPID right now, and it WILL be the death of us, LITERALLY.