Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Yes, meme's are fun aren't they, I've seen that on facebook too. Too bad it's an inaccurate simile. Pearl Harbor was an unprovoked attack. It was done as a pre-emptive strike in order to pull us into the war. It was no doubt an act of war. The kind of strike that is being considered by us now is a punitive strike. It is in response to an internationally recognized illegal action. They are not the same.SlickTX wrote:Haven't you heard, it's not going to be a war . . . just a quick bombardment from the air and no boots on the ground. You know, like Pearl Harbor.
If you believe in God, they will, without Obama's help.Superman wrote:I noticed that CNN just released partial videos of what is being shown to our Congressmen. They are very graphic so I won't provide a link per the forum rules, but it is the top main link on their homepage right now. I definitely think whoever did this has to pay a very high price...whether it is the Assad regime or the terrorists (rebels).
They have been fighting for over two years. Who knows what they have captured. They probably didn't have any DShK's before the war started but they seem to have them now. They have mortars and other heavy weapons. So I don't think you can say they don't have them or the means. I'm not taking sides just pointing out what happens in war. Material is captured and used against the former owners.Beiruty wrote:Rebels have no chemical warfare capability nor the means to deliver such wmd. From the videos you noted hundreds of able body fighters were shown dead by sairin gas. Who is to be blamed? You decide.
There are rumors that Saudi Arabia has provided it to them. The case makes sense that the rebels are the ones to use them. They were losing...Obama set the red line and they knew it...so why not frame Assad for crossing the red line in order to drag us into fighting their fight for them? I do not put it past them when I see the videos of the rebel fighters eating the heart and liver of a soldier they just killed.Beiruty wrote:Rebels have no chemical warfare capability nor the means to deliver such wmd. From the videos you noted hundreds of able body fighters were shown dead by sairin gas. Who is to be blamed? You decide.
If we were to use your logic, then why do we have so many prisons full of prisoners...or even a justice system at all, if God will eventually take care of them? Your suggestion doesn't make sense.tbrown wrote:If you believe in God, they will, without Obama's help.Superman wrote:I noticed that CNN just released partial videos of what is being shown to our Congressmen. They are very graphic so I won't provide a link per the forum rules, but it is the top main link on their homepage right now. I definitely think whoever did this has to pay a very high price...whether it is the Assad regime or the terrorists (rebels).
If you watch the videos linked on the blog I quoted previously in this thread, it SHOWS rebels firing what appears to be a sort of cross between a howitzer and a giant spigot mortar on wheels, and the projectile has a large gas weapon in the warhead. They are firing it across what appears to be at least several hundred meters. They have the means of battlefield delivery, just not larger artillery or aerial delivery assets.philip964 wrote:My assumption has been that neither side made the nerve agents. Saddam transported the nerve agents to Syria right before we invaded. Assad has the ability to deliver nerve agents to the rebels, the rebels have no way of delivering the nerve agents to Assad. However they have the ability to use them on themselves.
If I remember my WW2 history correctly, German soldier posing as Polish soldiers attacked Germany, prior to Germany's invasion of Poland. It was called the Gleiwitz incident.
But if stopping a dictator from using nerve agents was so critical to Obama, why was he uninterested in stopping Saddam when he repeatedly used nerve agents against his people (the Kurds) and Iran?
This device is launching a propane gas tank, (the same you can buy from Walmart), with welded impact fuze and a small explosive. Kind of an incendiary explosive device. A cheap imitation of thermobaric explosive round.The Annoyed Man wrote:If you watch the videos linked on the blog I quoted previously in this thread, it SHOWS rebels firing what appears to be a sort of cross between a howitzer and a giant spigot mortar on wheels, and the projectile has a large gas weapon in the warhead. They are firing it across what appears to be at least several hundred meters. They have the means of battlefield delivery, just not larger artillery or aerial delivery assets.philip964 wrote:My assumption has been that neither side made the nerve agents. Saddam transported the nerve agents to Syria right before we invaded. Assad has the ability to deliver nerve agents to the rebels, the rebels have no way of delivering the nerve agents to Assad. However they have the ability to use them on themselves.
If I remember my WW2 history correctly, German soldier posing as Polish soldiers attacked Germany, prior to Germany's invasion of Poland. It was called the Gleiwitz incident.
But if stopping a dictator from using nerve agents was so critical to Obama, why was he uninterested in stopping Saddam when he repeatedly used nerve agents against his people (the Kurds) and Iran?
So Beiruty, let me ask you......Beiruty wrote:This device is launching a propane gas tank, (the same you can buy from Walmart), with welded impact fuze and a small explosive. Kind of an incendiary explosive device. A cheap imitation of thermobaric explosive round.The Annoyed Man wrote:If you watch the videos linked on the blog I quoted previously in this thread, it SHOWS rebels firing what appears to be a sort of cross between a howitzer and a giant spigot mortar on wheels, and the projectile has a large gas weapon in the warhead. They are firing it across what appears to be at least several hundred meters. They have the means of battlefield delivery, just not larger artillery or aerial delivery assets.philip964 wrote:My assumption has been that neither side made the nerve agents. Saddam transported the nerve agents to Syria right before we invaded. Assad has the ability to deliver nerve agents to the rebels, the rebels have no way of delivering the nerve agents to Assad. However they have the ability to use them on themselves.
If I remember my WW2 history correctly, German soldier posing as Polish soldiers attacked Germany, prior to Germany's invasion of Poland. It was called the Gleiwitz incident.
But if stopping a dictator from using nerve agents was so critical to Obama, why was he uninterested in stopping Saddam when he repeatedly used nerve agents against his people (the Kurds) and Iran?
Yeah... If you're in the target area when you see an incoming missile/bomb/HE-motar round, I don't think the combination of human vision and human-powered propulsion is sufficient to survive. Maybe if you see the launch and immediately realize it's coming your way, you might be able to run around the corner of a building or something. Maybe.Fangs wrote:http://www.mrcolionnoir.com/news/crazy- ... vaporized/
Saw this on Colion Noir's Facebook. They tried to run...