You call republicans stupid, and then bow out?gdanaher wrote:My final thoughts here: If someone asks me I will tell them that I am a Democrat. Then I usually have to amend it to say a moderate Democrat because my Republican acquaintances see everything in black and white. Pun intended. Now the question is who is the smarter group of campaigners. During election season, about once a week I get this form to fill out from the RNC, and at the end they want me to donate a couple hundred. I generally take several minutes to thoughtfully fill out the form to my liking and mail it back in their Business Reply envelope. That has to cost them something. About three times a day I get emails, sent at essentially no cost, asking me unabashedly to donate $4 or more to the DNC. I can use my debit card or PayPal or green stamps. They will take it any way I can send it. No stupid questionnaire that nobody is going to read. The RNC is just looking at the people who voted in their primary. Perhaps they didn't vote there for the reasons the RNC imagines. The DNC is mass emailing everyone, including the 47% with email access, and seeing what sticks. And the Democrats are stupid? Hummm.
Thanks to voters like you, I will begin paying an annual fine to the IRS because I fall in that very large middle ground of self-employed people who can neither afford to buy their own health insurance, nor who qualify for welfare and will thus have the state provide it to them. And because, as Max Baucus—that absolute retard Democrat from Montana who put his name on the Senate version of the bill—acknowledged a few days ago on national television when "confronting" Kathleen Sebelius (as if democrats ever actually confront one of their own) over the absolute FACT that the AHCA was possibly the worst written law ever passed and a looming train-wreck (HIS words, not mine), the alleged insurance exchanges which were supposed to come into existence THIS year won't actually BEGIN to be available until 2015 (if they EVER actually get implemented, since insurers are not required to join)........but I get to pay TWO years worth of fines in the meantime to the IRS for your party's misbegotten and failed attempt at ramming unwanted governance down the throat of people, no matter how much it actually harms them. Nearly 70% of the country did not want that bill, but politicians elected by democrats like you just up and screwed the rest of us......which means that you screwed the rest of us because you elected them. And what's worse is that nazi fine YOUR party imposed on me will be used to buy health insurance for people who qualify for the social safety net. And worse yet, because of that fine, I am even LESS able to buy insurance for myself. YOUR absolute twisted corrupted retarded politicians did that to me, and to everyone like me who is self-employed and neither a net drain on society nor wealthy enough to afford insurance.......which BTW, your absolutely EPICLY stupid DEMOCRAT-passed bill made even more expensive because it drove premiums up nationwide anywhere from 10% to 70% more than before, depending on which state you're unfortunate enough to live in.
Every single time I pay that absolutely unjust and immorally imposed fine to the IRS, I will remember that DEMOCRATS did this to me, and I will never forgive, and I will never forget. You call republicans stupid; I call democrats blind to the laws of consequences. I will never again be willing to have political discourse with DEMOCRATS because they cannot be trusted with the welfare of the people........unless it means the welfare of some grasping entitlement group what doesn't care who they screw in the process so long as they get theirs. And DEMOCRATS are willing to do that for them to get their votes. Because of DEMOCRATS, I actually believe that the U.S. is a dying nation. Are republicans much better? Yes, but not by much......but at least THEY didn't give us this takeover of 1/6 of the economy.
Oh, and death panels ARE real. I just spoke with a friend of mine today whose dad is fighting cancer back in Massachusetts......a DEMOCRAT state......and he told me that Obama's medicare department has just told his dad that they are going to discontinue coverage of his chemotherapy, because he's an old man and his life isn't worth the expense. It's not the doctors who want to discontinue it. It's not his dad who wants to discontinue it. It is a death panel within the Medicare system, newly impoverished by being defunded to supposedly help pay for AHCA, which is telling this man that his life is not worth the expense of treating his cancer. DEMOCRATS voted for that crap.
And you have the temerity to call republicans stupid? Here's the problem with the DEMOCRAT party: it de-gausses your moral compass leaving your true north indicator needle spinning on its bearing, with no clue of which direction leads us into a better future. Don't like that characterization? Deal with it. You started it by calling republicans stupid. Taste your own medicine.