I wrote:Vice President Joe Biden says requiring Americans to register guns would "cross a cultural line" that would incite conservatives and conspiracy theorists.
"The idea that you register your guns – it may make logical sense to say this, but there isn’t a constitutional right to own an automobile. There is a Second Amendment Constitutional right to own a weapon: the right to have and bear arms," he said in an interview with NPR's "All Things Considered."
Mr. VP, Keep pushing for gun banning and grabbing and the people will keep pushing you out of office. Just remember how dems fell off the tree after 1994. Mr Bidden, thank you for prompting selling more shotguns. Thank you, Dianne Fienstien for promoting selling AR and AK and Semi-Auto shotguns as if there is no tomorrow. Please do pay for one more poll to find out how many evil rifles are now in circulation. There are just even a lot more!
http://www.politico.com/politico44/2013 ... tml?hp=l18" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;