Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deported

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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by Skiprr »

Made the AP Newswire and picked up by multiple news outlets. Here's a link to the story in the Houston Chronicle.

In part:
LONDON (AP) — Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition calling for British CNN host Piers Morgan to be deported from the U.S. over his gun control views....

A petition created Dec. 21 on the White House e-petition website by a user in Texas accuses Morgan of engaging in a "hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution" by targeting the Second Amendment. It demands he be deported immediately for "exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens."
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by Beiruty »

We should push this petition to 1,000,000 signed.
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by The Annoyed Man »

VMI77 wrote:And in this particular case, the scoundrel we're talking about is a British twit who obviously hates this country. The Brits wouldn't allow an American who attacked the British Socialist Utopia to have such a platform in Britain, nor would any other European government allow a such platform for an American to attack their country. There is no place for a British citizen to use his bully pulpit to influence the internal politics of America. This nasty piece of human debris should either be deported, or have no more of a pulpit than the average American. If he wants to stay here and exert the same level of influence as the rest of us fine....let him spill his vile garbage. If not, let him go find himself a pulpit back in the Socialist Utopia.
WE did not give him that platform. CNN—an organization which shares his values and his hatred of America and all things American—gave him that platform. The best way to kill vampires is to kill the master vampire. CNN is the vampire master. Unfortunately, they can hide behind the First Amendment, so any "reprisal" has to take place purely in the market place. When their market share dwindles to the point where nobody listens to them, they'll go belly up on their own, without anybody doing violence to the Constitution.

I agree that it would be satisfying to see Piers Morgan tossed out of the country, extremely satisfying, but not if it means doing to the First Amendment exactly what he advocates doing to the Second Amendment. The entire Bill of Rights is sacred, even when it is inconvenient or contains risks. Isn't that part of the basis of the argument we provide in favor of the 2nd, and isn't that what differentiates us from the British socialist utopia and the other European governments?

It is absolutely true that an amoral, Godless (Big "G", because he is very much his own small "g" god), lying sack of barnyard excrement like Piers Morgan will quite cynically use the very freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights to dismantle the Bill of Rights. That's what commies do. That's what socialists do. And by extension, that is what the majority of the democrat party do—because they are by majority sympathetic to socialism and communism and anything which furthers the idea of abdication of personal responsibilities in favor of the nanny state. These are, overwhelmingly, who voted for Obama. Piers Morgan is their voice, the voice that hates anything that America stands for......or at least, used to stand for.

I was having a discussion with a Libertarian friend of mine at church a few weeks ago, during the immediate phase of post-election despair. He's one of the other guitar players in the worship band. We're both 60 years old, but he's 4 months older than I am, so I kid him about how nice it is for me to have an older man in my life whose whose wisdom I can tap into. He keeps telling me that I'm a Libertarian but I just don't know it yet. Anyway, I told him that I used to have confidence in the notion that the political pendulum swings both ways—you can get an Obama-lite one year (Jimmie Carter), and just a few years later you can get a Ronald Reagan—and that conservatism periodically has the chance to undo the damage done by the left. But I said that I was no longer convinced that this was true, and that I believe the pendulum's momentum toward the left had been so great this time that it had overcome the inertia of fundamental political stability we've enjoyed since the Civil War. I said that it appears to me that the changing demographics of the voting population, combined with their demonstrated preference for godless communism and the fact that their numbers are growing, not shrinking, indicated to me a tectonic shift in the political future of the United States. I believe that this election was a Black Swan—not just because Obama was elected, but because his election is a datapoint shedding light on that tectonic shift. Anyway, my friend said that he thought the pendulum was still swinging and that it would swing back the other way, but that the principle question wasn't so much whether it would swing back toward the libertarian side of conservatism, but rather whether or not the United States of America as we know it today would still exist as a nation when it swung back.

I'm inclined to agree. The question then becomes: Do we abide in the sacred principles of the Bill of Rights, come what may, or do we abrogate one to preserve the other? And if we do that, are we any better than the democrats? It requires answering another very simple question: Do the rights enshrined in the Constitution accrue only to documented citizens of the United States, or do they accrue to anybody who—however temporarily—makes the United States their home?

To me, what would be far more satisfying than seeing Piers Morgan get thrown out of the country would be for democrats who still allege themselves to be patriots to join in calling for Piers Morgan to butt out and tend to his own country's business; that this is a family argument, and he's not family, and that his opinion will become welcome when he steps up to become an American citizen......but until then, he's an outsider, and his opinion isn't worth a cup of warm spit.

I would be FAR more satisfied to see THAT because it would indicate to me that Obama's election is maybe not a Black Swan datapoint, and that his voter base still considers themselves to be patriots who stand up for the principles on which the nation was founded.

But I'm not holding my breath.

Even so, because I revere the Constitution, and because I believe that its protections extend to anybody who lives here and has not taken up arms against the nation, I think it would be wrong to banish Piers Morgan.........even though it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if he were hit by a bus tomorrow.
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by Beiruty »

Piers Morgan being whoever he is at home is no worth talking about, talking for 2-weeks straight each night against same topic, Anti-gun, is very harmful when millions do watch CNN.

We need to fight for 2nA with the same tools, more mass media exposure to the benefits of being responsible for your own safety. And, how being armed save your life, in the first place. How firearms are safer than cars, chance being killed in a mass shooting is less being killed by lightning, etc,..
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by VMI77 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:Even so, because I revere the Constitution, and because I believe that its protections extend to anybody who lives here and has not taken up arms against the nation, I think it would be wrong to banish Piers Morgan.........even though it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if he were hit by a bus tomorrow.
I agree with this interpretation but I apparently don't see the application of it in the same way. I see this particular case as grey rather than black & white. There is no inherent right for citizens of another country to reside in the US. He is here by "permission" not by right. Yes, I agree that he can say whatever he wants and not be ARRESTED or prosecuted or sent to jail. However, because broadcasting, especially national broadcasting, even on cable, is effectively done under government license, I see no reason why he should be allowed a national platform in order to attack the Constitution of the United States. In essence, the airwaves, and the ROW for cable television, are the public property of the taxpaying citizens of America.

CNN is essentially renting its broadcast privileges from the citizens of America. They can't broadcast whatever they want, and just about every network has cashiered people like this idiot merely for uttering one politically incorrect sentence. That it hasn't happened in this case is the product of open media bias and the fact that they don't care what millions of Americans think if those Americans aren't leftists --or at least, if those Americans are not in support of this particular fundamental element of the collectivist agenda. Again, if this Marxist agitator is not a citizen, he's here by permission, and CNN has no right to employ a foreigner in the US --they have to get permission to do so. Would we tolerate a radical Muslim with a national platform on CNN advocating Sharia Law? I doubt CNN would even try to get away with it. Advocating the violation of the US Constitution as a Marxist hypocrite is no different.
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by philip964 » ... html?hp=r3" onclick=";return false;

Petition tops 65,000 votes.
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by JALLEN »

VMI77 wrote:.

CNN is essentially renting its broadcast privileges from the citizens of America. They can't broadcast whatever they want, and just about every network has cashiered people like this idiot merely for uttering one politically incorrect sentence. That it hasn't happened in this case is the product of open media bias and the fact that they don't care what millions of Americans think if those Americans aren't leftists --or at least, if those Americans are not in support of this particular fundamental element of the collectivist agenda. Again, if this Marxist agitator is not a citizen, he's here by permission, and CNN has no right to employ a foreigner in the US --they have to get permission to do so. Would we tolerate a radical Muslim with a national platform on CNN advocating Sharia Law? I doubt CNN would even try to get away with it. Advocating the violation of the US Constitution as a Marxist hypocrite is no different.
I believe CNN is cable only, no airwaves are harmed in the spewing of its daily bile, no licenses required.

They do from time to time have Muslims discussing Sharia law, but don't advocate it openly 24/7.

CNN has every right to employ this fellow, assuming he is here lawfully. There is no requirement in immigration situations that someone be a right thinking, true-blue American in thought, word and deed. They can keep you out of you have a criminal background, I think, or a loathsome disease perhaps. Even if they couldn't have him here in the States, it is child's play to broadcast from anywhere in the world these days.

Unfortunately, "advocating the violation" of the US Constitution is a matter of interpretation, and frequent dispute. Not everyone who disagrees with you is guilty. Even Supreme Court Justices differ on questions of interpretation, often 5-4. Constitutional interpretation is not a clear cut as you make out, and never has been in the ~220 years since it was adopted.
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by The Annoyed Man »

JALLEN wrote:
VMI77 wrote:.

CNN is essentially renting its broadcast privileges from the citizens of America. They can't broadcast whatever they want, and just about every network has cashiered people like this idiot merely for uttering one politically incorrect sentence. That it hasn't happened in this case is the product of open media bias and the fact that they don't care what millions of Americans think if those Americans aren't leftists --or at least, if those Americans are not in support of this particular fundamental element of the collectivist agenda. Again, if this Marxist agitator is not a citizen, he's here by permission, and CNN has no right to employ a foreigner in the US --they have to get permission to do so. Would we tolerate a radical Muslim with a national platform on CNN advocating Sharia Law? I doubt CNN would even try to get away with it. Advocating the violation of the US Constitution as a Marxist hypocrite is no different.
I believe CNN is cable only, no airwaves are harmed in the spewing of its daily bile, no licenses required.

They do from time to time have Muslims discussing Sharia law, but don't advocate it openly 24/7.

CNN has every right to employ this fellow, assuming he is here lawfully. There is no requirement in immigration situations that someone be a right thinking, true-blue American in thought, word and deed. They can keep you out of you have a criminal background, I think, or a loathsome disease perhaps. Even if they couldn't have him here in the States, it is child's play to broadcast from anywhere in the world these days.

Unfortunately, "advocating the violation" of the US Constitution is a matter of interpretation, and frequent dispute. Not everyone who disagrees with you is guilty. Even Supreme Court Justices differ on questions of interpretation, often 5-4. Constitutional interpretation is not a clear cut as you make out, and never has been in the ~220 years since it was adopted.
Actually, Morgan may be eligible for expulsion under that qualification. He was involved in illegal phone-hacking and was investigated for it and was, I believe, fired for it. However, I don't think he was criminally prosecuted for it because the british government echoes his sentiments. Can someone be denied a visa for moral reasons? Just a thought.....
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by JALLEN »

The Annoyed Man wrote: Can someone be denied a visa for moral reasons? Just a thought.....

Aaahahahahahahahahaha! "rlol"

Ahhh, Jeepers! That's a good one. I needed a good laugh today. Morals? Oh, please? Whose morals? Theirs? Yours? Mine? The governments?

They admit even convicts, provided whatever it was they were convicted of is not considered much of a crime here, or politically popular crime. It used to be that AIDS was disqualifying. I bet it no longer is.

Advocating the violent overthrow of the United States government may not be anymore, either, merely a cultural difference of an oppressed minority or something. One of those guys is a trusted adviser to the President of the United States, come to think about it, maybe several.

Things aren't like they used to be, are they?
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by The Annoyed Man »

JALLEN wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote: Can someone be denied a visa for moral reasons? Just a thought.....
Aaahahahahahahahahaha! "rlol"

Ahhh, Jeepers! That's a good one. I needed a good laugh today. Morals? Oh, please? Whose morals? Theirs? Yours? Mine? The governments?

They admit even convicts, provided whatever it was they were convicted of is not considered much of a crime here, or politically popular crime. It used to be that AIDS was disqualifying. I bet it no longer is.

Advocating the violent overthrow of the United States government may not be anymore, either, merely a cultural difference of an oppressed minority or something. One of those guys is a trusted adviser to the President of the United States, come to think about it, maybe several.

Things aren't like they used to be, are they?
No they aren't. Was I too desperate? :lol:
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Linked instead of embedded, because Uncle Ted has some choice words for Piers Morgan in a 1 on 1 interview. :lol:
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by puma guy »

The Annoyed Man wrote:

Linked instead of embedded, because Uncle Ted has some choice words for Piers Morgan in a 1 on 1 interview. :lol:
Piers failed to note that at least half of the annual gun related deaths are suicides. :eek6
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by VMI77 »

JALLEN wrote:
VMI77 wrote:.

CNN is essentially renting its broadcast privileges from the citizens of America. They can't broadcast whatever they want, and just about every network has cashiered people like this idiot merely for uttering one politically incorrect sentence. That it hasn't happened in this case is the product of open media bias and the fact that they don't care what millions of Americans think if those Americans aren't leftists --or at least, if those Americans are not in support of this particular fundamental element of the collectivist agenda. Again, if this Marxist agitator is not a citizen, he's here by permission, and CNN has no right to employ a foreigner in the US --they have to get permission to do so. Would we tolerate a radical Muslim with a national platform on CNN advocating Sharia Law? I doubt CNN would even try to get away with it. Advocating the violation of the US Constitution as a Marxist hypocrite is no different.
I believe CNN is cable only, no airwaves are harmed in the spewing of its daily bile, no licenses required.

They do from time to time have Muslims discussing Sharia law, but don't advocate it openly 24/7.

CNN has every right to employ this fellow, assuming he is here lawfully. There is no requirement in immigration situations that someone be a right thinking, true-blue American in thought, word and deed. They can keep you out of you have a criminal background, I think, or a loathsome disease perhaps. Even if they couldn't have him here in the States, it is child's play to broadcast from anywhere in the world these days.

Unfortunately, "advocating the violation" of the US Constitution is a matter of interpretation, and frequent dispute. Not everyone who disagrees with you is guilty. Even Supreme Court Justices differ on questions of interpretation, often 5-4. Constitutional interpretation is not a clear cut as you make out, and never has been in the ~220 years since it was adopted.
Well, they don't need a broadcast license, but many cities (if not all) require cable to be strung under license in the public right-of-way, and charge fees. CNN isn't directly licensed, but they broadcast via cable that is strung in public right-of-way --so they benefit from the use of public property. As far as the garbage that CNN broadcasts, you've got me there: I don't watch broadcast television of any kind, and there is no way I'd subject myself to a broadcast of any of the propaganda that is the mainstay of the MSM today.

As far as entry into the US is concerned, I don't believe there is ANY legal RIGHT to enter the country if you're not a US citizen. They've turned back British citizens from entering the country based on nothing more than innocuous text messages. The government labels people who have no criminal records as undesirable and prevents the from entering the country all the time. And don't forget, there's this thing called the no fly list, which is entirely arbitrary, and even includes American citizens. There is no legal process for having your name removed. And if you're a foreigner, it effectively prevents you from legally entering the US. So I haven't seen any evidence in the application of US law that suggests foreign nationals can't be denied entry arbitrarily and without cause.
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by chasfm11 »

Looks like the problem may be solved. ... organ.html

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Piers Morgan
PUBLISHED: 19:26 EST, 29 December 2012 | UPDATED: 19:27 EST, 29 December 2012
The gun-lobby logic dictates that the only way to defend against gun criminals is for everyone else to have a gun, too. Teachers, nurses, clergymen, shop assistants, cinema usherettes – everyone must be armed.

To me, this is a warped, twisted logic that bears no statistical analysis and makes no sense. Do you fight drug addiction with more cocaine? Alcoholism with more Jack Daniel’s? Of course not.

Don't let the door hit you on the backside on your way out, Mr. Morgan. By the way, it doesn't look like your fellow Brits would all welcome you with open arms either. ... -morgan-uk
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Re: Could we start a WH petition to have Piers Morgan deport


Post by philip964 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
JALLEN wrote:
VMI77 wrote:.

Can someone be denied a visa for moral reasons? Just a thought.....
If I remember correctly, Nixon was trying to have John Lennon thrown out.
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