'2016 - Obama's America"

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'2016 - Obama's America"


Post by Topbuilder »

I saw this movie in the Woodlands last weekend. FULL house, very few seats left. I think it is worth seeing. If my sense of where the country is at is correct, this will be one of the biggest political documentary's ever. Unfortunately the majority of people seeing it are probably the more informed type of people and the people who should be seeing it will not take the time. There is NO DOUBT that if elected Obama will infringe on our 2nd amendment rights before the end of his term, and probably in a big way. If you know someone who is actually one of the true "undecided voters" Buy 'em a ticket... :thumbs2:
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by RPBrown »

I don't think that the 2nd ammendment is the only rights he will infringe on if he is re-elected.
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by gdanaher »

If you think about it a moment, this is a rather clever way to raise money for the election......just stay home and send them a check.
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by The Annoyed Man »

A friend saw it this morning and just emailed me a review a few minutes ago.
my friend wrote:Very good film. Well put together. I didn't "learn" anything out of it as it was all stuff I already knew, but the perspective was good.

I wish more people would see it (mostly those who would never do so because of their politics).
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by PrideAndJoy54 »

We saw it last weekend, well made and convincing. Not alot in it that I didn't already know but it did a good job connecting the dots, I recommend it.
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by 77346 »

going tomorrow night with my wife :thumbs2:
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by Slowplay »

Went to see it at lunch today - surprised with the large crowd. Was mostly familiar with the content, but it was nice to have the anti-colonial perspective recounted by someone raised in India. I actually think many liberal progressive types would find it appealing as they would find commonality with many of the folks that influenced BHO.
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by Topbuilder »

This movie is in third place this weekend with 1/3 of the amount of theaters running as the others. It will easily unseat Michael Moores 1st place for top grossing political documentary. That makes me happy. :anamatedbanana
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by longhorn_92 »

I went today and it was like a family reunion. Everyone was so kind and respectful... even helping latecomers find seats because it was so crowded. It was the most polite crowd I have ever experienced in a theater setting.

I knew most of it but it is awesome to see such great research and a well made documentary. I wish even liberals would watch this movie... he did a great job!

Shame on the "Journalists" who are no longer reporting facts but opinions. The "journalists" should be ashamed of themselves for hiding all of these facts about this man. Journalism truly is dead! The Free Republic is truly in danger if this man is allowed 4 more years.
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by Blindref757 »

I went today...there were about 3 empty seats in the entire theater (Tyler). I sat on row 2 and my neck still hurts!

The movie made me feel bad for my kids. It really didn't change my mind about anything. The USA is in deep kimshee. The only difference in Romney :tiphat: and Obama :bigear: will be the pace at which we default and go through the process of destruction. :banghead: There really isn't any hope in America emerging from the debt and poor economic conditions anytime soon. The documentary is very well done, and I think it was very fair to Obama. He is what he is...and this film shows it in a neat little package.

PS...I carried (theater not posted) throughout the movie and didn't shoot anyone or fire one off at the screen! :lol:

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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by PrideAndJoy54 »

Blindref757 wrote:
PS...I carried (theater not posted) throughout the movie and didn't shoot anyone or fire one off at the screen! :lol:
Something tells me you weren't the only one carrying ... ;-)

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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by Texgun »

If you liked this movie you should really like "Dreams from my REAL father".

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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by Texas Dan Mosby »

I don't need a film to tell me that BHO should not have been elected POTUS.

I take issue with film producers who put out films involving sitting Presidents. I don't believe such a film can be released while a POTUS is in office without being construed as anything other than political propaganda.
The only difference in Romney :tiphat: and Obama :bigear: will be the pace at which we default and go through the process of destruction. :banghead: There really isn't any hope in America emerging from the debt and poor economic conditions anytime soon.

Sad, but true IMO.

It takes a strong individual as POTUS to stand up to congress and VETO the ever-lovin' bejeezis out of the ridiculous legislation they pass, and while it's easy to replace a POTUS, replacing a large corrupt group like congress is exceedingly difficult.
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by Slowplay »

Texas Dan Mosby wrote:I don't need a film to tell me that BHO should not have been elected POTUS.

Do you think everybody else is just like you? If not, what's the problem in others having additional data to make an informed decision?

I take issue with film producers who put out films involving sitting Presidents. I don't believe such a film can be released while a POTUS is in office without being construed as anything other than political propaganda.

All things being equal, maybe others would share your chivalrous position. However, we all know all things aren't equal regarding how the media has treated and continues to treat the chosen one. While the media spare no effort to dig up dirt on Obama's competitors, he is treated with kid gloves. Not only do I have no problem with such a film, I find it to be quite in the tradition of America. Tell me something in that film that is not accurate. Otherwise, why make a point of saying you take issue with this film being produced. Sometimes the emperor has no clothes...
The only difference in Romney :tiphat: and Obama :bigear: will be the pace at which we default and go through the process of destruction. :banghead: There really isn't any hope in America emerging from the debt and poor economic conditions anytime soon.

Sad, but true IMO.

It takes a strong individual as POTUS to stand up to congress and VETO the ever-lovin' bejeezis out of the ridiculous legislation they pass, and while it's easy to replace a POTUS, replacing a large corrupt group like congress is exceedingly difficult.
See comments above - I strongly disagree, with all due respect. :tiphat:
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Re: '2016 - Obama's America"


Post by glockstero »

What amazes me is people with kids 10 years and older won't take their kids to see this movie. Why would someone,anyone who knows how destructive Obama is to their child's future not educate them on it? How can they look their kids in the eye each morning as they go to public schools where they will be indoctrinated with liberal-socialist policies and not at least give them balance on the weekends and evenings? We only have ourselves to blame if Obama is re-elected. Have you taken anyone to see the movie? Do you have a Romney-Ryan bumpersticker, t-shirt or ball cap? Are you afraid to chat it up with friends, relatives, or co-workers?

If not be prepared to explain why to your grandkids when they pay a 70% federal tax and are not allowed to own a gun.
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