57Coastie wrote:"My" administration?
The standard tactic of some types is when caught with their pants down, to change the subject, real quick.
To quote The Dude: "Well, that's...like, your opinion, man." Interestingly, you obliquely claim that "someone" was caught with their pants down....but present no argument or evidence of said pants being down, and merely assert a change of subject, where there was none. I will explain further:
1. The whole point of my OP is that the Obama administration, with Mr. Holder acting as it's representative, seeks to prevent States from purging illegal aliens (among others) from their voting rolls. Do they say this outright? No, but it is the inexorably logical conclusion from what they do say.
2. Your reply appears to be in defense of the administration's tactics, hence my use of "your administration," which I admit could be an unfortunate choice of words, but since I can't read your mind, I can only respond to what you write.
3. In your response you suggest that those on what, for brevity, I'll call "the other side" of the issue, have malicious motives and dishonest intentions --so I merely pointed out that those advocating what you appear to be defending have ulterior motives and dishonest intentions; and I illustrated the hypocrisy and motives of the administration by the latest absurd pronouncement that those in the country, ILLEGALLY, should, in essence, get special protection from law enforcement so that they are not caught, whereas, this administration is apparently untroubled by, and in fact, practices all kinds of "illicit" and "backdoor" methods to apprehend US citizens, even those whom they have to prod into illegal behavior.
4. This administration also breaks or ignores the law as it wishes, so it can hardly get the benefit of anyone's doubt when they seek to claim that it is important to enforce the law when it is of political benefit to them.
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."
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