I would consider myself a libertarian with a little "L" as well. The fact is that I am pretty much in line with the description of the social issues as you described above. However I disagree with the LP on the environmental protection laws as well as some consumer protection laws. I also feel that deploying our armed forces outside of the USA is wrong but I would suggest keeping a very active and strong intelligence gathering agency and funding it.Charles L. Cotton wrote:While Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party hold a few (emphasis on "few") beliefs with which conservatives will agree, neither Ron Paul nor the Libertarian Party platform are the least bit conservative. They are ultra liberal on social issues and are anarchist on others. Look at the 2010 Libertarian Party Platform below. Here are a few highlights: the LP 1) supports legalizing all drug use; 2) opposes laws against abortion, homosexual acts, or "same sex" marriages; 3) supports opening all borders to anyone wanting to come into the U.S.; and 4) oppose deploying any U.S. armed forces outside the continental U.S. Again, these are just highlights. The LP Platform sometimes gives their rationale and often it can only be classified as delusional. For example, the LP supports repeal of all environmental protection laws because the free market will protect the environment on its own. That is delusional! If Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party had their way, the world would take a giant step back towards the days of the robber barons that Teddy Roosevelt crushed. Had he not done so, the U.S. would have become a third world country run by a handful of people who held all of the country's wealth.Toorop wrote:I don't live in Texas, but I do plan to move there within the near future. I am trying to find a job somewhere out there and to go back to school. I will just write Ron Paul in as I did last time.Charles L. Cotton wrote:How are you going to vote for someone not on the ballot? Ron Paul will not get the Republican nomination and will succeed only in raising a lot of money from his groupies; just like the last time he "ran for President."Toorop wrote:I will be voting for Ron Paul whether he gets the nomination or not. I will not vote against someone but I will vote for someone. I would rather 4 more years of Obama then Perry.
Saying you will vote for Ron Paul, but you'd rather have 4 more years of Obama than have Perry as President speaks volumes.
I consider myself to be very much a libertarian with a few disagreeing views to their traditional values to be honest. I am not a fan of any of the GOP candidates except for Ron Paul. In my opinion he is the only true Conservative. And most importantly he is the only honest one in my opinion and that means a lot to me. All of the candidates they have put up have done something that I dislike and I just won't vote for them.
As far as Obama goes, I believe he is doing the best he can but he is not going about it the right way. Either way I campaigned for Ron Paul in 2008 and I will be voting for him in 2012 as well as working for his candidacy.
Remember, Ron Paul ran for President twice, once in the Republican Primary and once as the Libertarian Candidate. While I have a "forum friend" who is a libertarian (little "L" as he points out), he distances himself from the national party. Ron Paul didn't distance himself, he proudly carried their banner as the Libertarian candidate for President.
When Ron Paul supporters and Libertarian Party Members call themselves "conservatives," it is a disservice to true conservatives. Libertarians can best be described as anarchists with a few conservative ideas.
I would not call us anarchists, but I would say that we are simply people who wish to truly conserve the culture of freedom as we see it. Everyone feels the Founding Fathers had similar ideas to their own when they formed this nation. I would like to believe that as I imagine you would, but the truth is that we don't really know and the Constitution, Bill of RIghts, and Declaration of Independence as well as some of their writings are the only guiding lights we have and we have to interpret them. The Founding Fathers did give us a court system which tries to interpret it to the best of their abilities but they fail often, at least in my opinion. I would imagine every poster here would say the same. I do feel we are conservatives in a lot of ways and wish to see the issues rolled back to the way they were prior to a certain time. For example, I would like to see us be isolationists again as we were for a long long time but I understand it is impractical in a global economy, so the best we can do is try to get as close to that as possible. Some would like to return to the previous tax brackets and others would like to go back to a time when abortion and homosexuality were frowned upon if done openly. It really depends on the individual.
But in my opinion the basic philosophy of the Libertarian party is leave me alone and I will leave you alone. I can agree with that.
Either way it is getting late and I want to check out a few other threads.