Oldgringo wrote:My position is that wars are for winning AND if we can't subdue/convert the enemy (whomever that is) with local help by date certain, we leave and let them kill each other off secure with the fear that we will retaliate an eye for an eye ten thousandfold for any later transgression against the US or its peoples. We will not stay there ad infinitum spending American lives and money trying to help people who won't help themselves. Enough is enough already!
Not at all the same thing. "Cut and Run" is what Kerry wanted to do back when Iraq was in question but still very winnable. Events have proven him wrong. Oldgringo has stated that his preference is for winning, and he favors the alternative if it is not possible to win. It is, or at least was until a few months ago, winnable. It may still be so, but for that to happen, Obama needs to show some gonadal heft.Zee wrote:Cut & run
Zee, you need to get out more, breath some fresh air. Try spending time at Michael Yon's website. He publishes absolutely the best, most unbiased, and most rooted in boots-on-the-ground reality reporting available. He is better by far than ANY of the mainstream news outlets, liberative or conservable. He is also a former Green Beret, whose personal politics tend toward left of center, but who has had extensive training in the political and operational side of counter-insurgency. Yon was the first reporter in Iraq to publicly call the Iraqi insurgency what it was, and who wrote that the situation could be reversed by a surge. He was prescient, and the surge happened, and now Iraq is not a perfect place, but at least its government is not killing its citizens by the hundreds of thousands in torture chambers, and it has a good chance to survive as a stable national entity.
Even General Patreaus values Yon's reporting for its unflinching honesty.
Michael Yon has been saying for many months now that Afghanistan is winnable, but that we would soon be running out of time in which to so if we didn't react quickly to the developing insurgency (Iraq Redux). This is the time that "The Great and Wise Obama" instead spent dithering and triangulating and trying to find a way to do give an answer to General McCrystal's request that would be palatable to the left wing of his party. So now we find ourselves almost out of time, and the issue is now very much in doubt. This is a direct reflection of Obama's leadership skills — of which he has none. He's a hack and an operator, but NOT a leader. A leader would have fished or cut bait back when McCrystal submitted his request to SecDef Gates on August 30th, almost 3-1/2 months ago.
You can legitimately debate whether we should have been involved in Afghanistan or not. My personal opinion is that we should have, but I could be wrong about that. But one thing is for sure, we are there NOW, and that calls for some kind of action. Morally speaking, if you break something, you have a responsibility to try and fix it. Now, Afghanistan was already broken. It has been broken for 2,500 years. But we broke it some more, and I believe that we have a moral responsibility to try and make good on that, if it is at all possible to do so. Back in August, it was possible. Today, it may not be possible, but we have to try, or we have not acted in good faith.
IF this war is lost, it IS Obama's fault for not having had the strength of character to lead back when it was still possible for him to do so. That he did not is further evidence that he is not qualified for the office.
Zee, you have a predilection for trying to quote back to conservatives various sound bites as if they had current meaning, but you ignore the historical contexts in which they were made, and so it rears up and nips you on the butt each and every time. The other day, you posted to me in another thread "nobody likes a good swiftboating," to which I responded, "likewise, nobody enjoys a "wintersoldiering." You have yet to either respond, or acknowledge that you don't have a reply to that. In this thread here, you tried to use "cut and run," and it just isn't working for you. May I suggest that you try and distance yourself from John Kerry as far as possible? It ain't exactly covering you in glory.