Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?

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Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by longhorn_92 »

I always wondered why Obama would allow a self-proclaimed Communist to be part of the Czar staff. I have wondered if this is in fact what Obama believes?...

News Article:
Van Jones, Barack Obama's environmental adviser, has decided to resign. Even though he has resigned, I find it hard to believe the decision was his. I wouldn't be surprised if he were "convinced" to resign by the Obama administration in order to stop some of the negative publicity surrounding his statements. Van Jones had this to say: "On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."

A smear campaign? Lies and distortions? I don't see how this is true. After all, how can you tell lies and distort someone's beliefs when that person has clearly professed those beliefs repeatedly, and on video. We have his quote about "suburban white kids" being school shooters, his thoughts on "white polluters," his belief that the United States government allowed the 9/11 attacks to occur, inappropriate remarks about Republicans, and his comparison of George W. Bush to a crack addict.

Everyone is free to say and believe what they want, but when it comes to advising the President of the United States in a high-level position, do we want someone who believes the government allowed the murder of its own citizens, makes racist generalizations, and makes crude remarks? It's troubling that Barack Obama would have selected Van Jones for this position in the first place, and it speaks volumes about his own character and political leanings. If you doubt this, just imagine what would have happened if George W. Bush was being advised by someone making racial generalizations about blacks, crude remarks, and anti-government statements. The criticism would have been swift and sustained. To deny this is to ignore the truth.
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by stevie_d_64 »

Happy V-J day everyone!

Ohhhhh, you know there is going to be heck to pay for this one...Just stand by...A good liberal/statist would never let an opportunity like this go by without paying conservatives back, even though we had nothing to do with this...

Just watch...
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by KD5NRH »

longhorn_92 wrote:Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
Well, if they left out the lies and distortions, they'd be misquoting him.
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by AEA »

What's the big deal? They got the "Change" they were promised, that they wanted and that they voted for........... ;-)
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by bayouhazard »

longhorn_92 wrote:Van Jones, Barack Obama's environmental adviser, has decided to resign. Even though he has resigned, I find it hard to believe the decision was his. I wouldn't be surprised if he were "convinced" to resign by the Obama administration in order to stop some of the negative publicity surrounding his statements. Van Jones had this to say: "On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
It sounds like he's talking about the Obamatons but why would anybody expect them to abandon tactics (lies and distortions to distract and divide) that worked so well for them in the 2008 primaries and general election?
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by Excaliber »

longhorn_92 wrote:I always wondered why Obama would allow a self-proclaimed Communist to be part of the Czar staff. I have wondered if this is in fact what Obama believes?...

News Article:
Van Jones, Barack Obama's environmental adviser, has decided to resign. Even though he has resigned, I find it hard to believe the decision was his. I wouldn't be surprised if he were "convinced" to resign by the Obama administration in order to stop some of the negative publicity surrounding his statements. Van Jones had this to say: "On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."

A smear campaign? Lies and distortions? I don't see how this is true. After all, how can you tell lies and distort someone's beliefs when that person has clearly professed those beliefs repeatedly, and on video. We have his quote about "suburban white kids" being school shooters, his thoughts on "white polluters," his belief that the United States government allowed the 9/11 attacks to occur, inappropriate remarks about Republicans, and his comparison of George W. Bush to a crack addict.

Everyone is free to say and believe what they want, but when it comes to advising the President of the United States in a high-level position, do we want someone who believes the government allowed the murder of its own citizens, makes racist generalizations, and makes crude remarks? It's troubling that Barack Obama would have selected Van Jones for this position in the first place, and it speaks volumes about his own character and political leanings. If you doubt this, just imagine what would have happened if George W. Bush was being advised by someone making racial generalizations about blacks, crude remarks, and anti-government statements. The criticism would have been swift and sustained. To deny this is to ignore the truth.
The easiest way to gain insight into a man's character is not to listen to what he says, but to look at the character of the people he surrounds himself with.

I don't believe Van Jones was an anomaly, and he didn't resign because he was out of synch with the president. The issue was that his true beliefs were too clearly on the record.

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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by Crapshoot »

Yeah no way does his holiness depart of his accord out of the kindness of his heart for the good of the "administration". There was some suggestive conversation go'n on guaranteed. And you know he was vetted good. There are just to many lefty nutjobs in good o'l Barry's corner for them all to be just a few folks who "fell through the cracks". Completely deliberate. But 1 has gotta wonder if all these circus shows aren't just an elaborate scam to consistantly keep folks off guard. Too keep their attention off the real wack jobs in the house and the senate and off these giant sphincter destroying bills that everyone seems too busy to read. These distractions, or better known as pawns, are just throw away pieces expendable and disposable. Obviously its not working all that well but affording them common sense would be a contradiction of terms.
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Anyone ever thought of the possibility that Van Jones was a little test to see how asleep Americans are? Many obamatrons are beginning to awake from their Koolaid induced slumber. It is just a matter of time before they all realize they have been made complete fools of by the Socialist party.
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by stevie_d_64 »

KD5NRH wrote:
longhorn_92 wrote:Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
Well, if they left out the lies and distortions, they'd be misquoting him.
And its like the pot calling the kettle black!!!

Saul Alinski would be proud!!!
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by longtooth »

I have even wondered if the per appointment conversations & deals included, "we are going to appoint you & if we can fade heat from the :patriot: Right Wing :txflag: Homeland :patriot: Domestic Terrorists :patriot: :thumbs2: you stay. If it gets toooo hot, we tried & you resign.
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by AEA »

Where does "The Chosen One" get the money to pay these 30+ Czars and how much do they make for doing nothing?
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

AEA wrote:Where does "The Chosen One" get the money to pay these 30+ Czars and how much do they make for doing nothing?

I don't know how much they make, but just look in the mirror and you can see where the money comes from. Oduma is dangerous. He is using Czars to usurp Government procedures that are in place to protect Americans from corrupt politicians.

Oduma is the single biggest threat to democracy this country has ever faced. We are in seriously dark times folks.
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by boomerang »

We should be so lucky that they do nothing.

To paraphrase Tevye, "May God bless and keep the Czars... far away from us!"
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by casingpoint »

The Obama administration is going up in smoke. Van Jones is just the first big puff.
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Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?


Post by pdubyoo »

casingpoint wrote:The Obama administration is going up in smoke. Van Jones is just the first big puff.
The incinerator will have all the burners lit in November 2010 :mad5 , and will reach peak temp in November 2012 (or sooner) :evil2: .
Nov. 2010...Check!
Nov. 2012...Don't Give Up!
Jan. 2013...True Change!
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