Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest

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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by stevie_d_64 »

Here's a little tweek, or another angle to the story...Notice who is still a mystery... ... -part-one/" onclick=";return false;

If William Kostric is going to be persued, and be all over the news and making some very well spoken comments...Why has the guy named "Chris" not been deluged???

I am actually agreeing that he may be a very private person...But he's the one that shouldered an AR-15 and went to an political function...

In my opinion if you're going to make a statement by first visualizing your position, yet not effectively verbalize such a position...There is where I believe you are not serving the cause effectively enough...

Again, just my opinion...
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by Purplehood »

mr.72 wrote:Actually, you have the right to open-carry an AR15 or any other rifle, or a shotgun, in TX.

I wouldn't recommend it if you don't like being arrested, but it is legal.

Not so with a hand gun though.
Being too lazy to look, should I assume that these weapons have to be unloaded?
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by LarryH »

Purplehood wrote:
mr.72 wrote:Actually, you have the right to open-carry an AR15 or any other rifle, or a shotgun, in TX.

I wouldn't recommend it if you don't like being arrested, but it is legal.

Not so with a hand gun though.
Being too lazy to look, should I assume that these weapons have to be unloaded?
No. I've read several times on this forum that Texas state laws make no distinction between loaded and unloaded guns. (Just too lazy to look them up at the moment.)

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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by mr.72 »

that's right AFAIK. You can legally open-carry a fully loaded and operational long gun (rifle, shotgun).

Try this in Austin and I think you should expect to get arrested and be featured on the evening news as a nutcase but it's legal anyway.
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by LaUser »

The Republican Party has been taken over by the Four Horsemen of Calumny,
Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear.

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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by Nachos Libres »

I think the issue with open carrying a long rifle in Texas is disorderly conduct, which is subjective. The consideration would be why are you carrying the long rifle?

Texas Penal Code 42.01 Disorderly Conduct. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly (8) displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm; (c) for purposes of this section: (1) an act is deemed to occur in a public place or near a private residence if it produces its offensive or proscribed consequences in the public place or near a private residence.
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by C-dub »

Well, first off the guy with the AR was in Arizona, wasn't he? I still don't know whether or not the weapon had to be unloaded or not.

I was wondering about this if someone were to carry a rifle at or near an event that the President was going to be attending here in Texas. It looks like, from the code that Nacho posted, that if one had a rifle slung over their shoulder, like the guy in Arizona, that person would be okay. It is a none threatening manner. Also, not that the DPD is the be all end all, but I've had a Seargent friend of mine tell me that it is perfectly legal to carry a rifle walking around in public downtown. He said I would likely have some friends in blue walking with me, but that it was legal.
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by cling »

LaUser wrote:Image
I agree. The anti-gunners masquerading as pro-gun or pro-civil-rights are only fooling themselves.
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by stevie_d_64 »

cling wrote:
LaUser wrote:Image
I agree. The anti-gunners masquerading as pro-gun or pro-civil-rights are only fooling themselves.
That may be...But you see how effective they are at times...

It appears that this "Chris" has had a more in depth interview or conversation here..." onclick=";return false; ... re=related" onclick=";return false;

And then we have the stupid people talking about something they have no clue about... :totap: ... re=related" onclick=";return false;

They talk about everything that doesn't have to do with the issue as a whole...This is so blatant its borders on humor...By the way, notice how MSNBC edits the footage of "Chris" to keep his ethnicity in doubt to give them their "white only" bias...

I am still studying the whole "Chris" factor, and will hold out final judgment on this for a while longer...Something else is going on here, and I haven't quite put the finger on it yet...The fact that in one of those clips he states he comes from another state, is revealing...So far he articulates well the position and statement he makes by doing this...Yet everyone that talks to him (Chris), and William (from the other event) are dumber than a bag of hammers...
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by carlson1 »

Myself and two of my Assistant Pastors did a photo shoot in downtown Dallas using AR's and Shotguns. We were never bothered by anyone. I called and told the police ahead of time what we were doing, but no one ever showed up. It took us about 45 minutes to do all of the pictures.
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by stevie_d_64 »

carlson1 wrote:Myself and two of my Assistant Pastors did a photo shoot in downtown Dallas using AR's and Shotguns. We were never bothered by anyone. I called and told the police ahead of time what we were doing, but no one ever showed up. It took us about 45 minutes to do all of the pictures.
Hey...Now those would be some pics we'd like to see!!! Honest... :thumbs2:
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by shootthesheet »

Times have changed. I am sure this plays harsh on metropolitan sensibilities but the fact is a movement by the people is not going to be clean and neat like the politicos like to do things. What happened when those people took their legally carried guns to a protest? Nothing but a bunch of childish whining from the media and groaning from those who would make themselves our masters with the chance. This kind of thing is what every American needs to see so it will put the issue in their minds. Doesn't matter how they react. It matters that it may cause some of them to wake up and think of why that person is so passionate about his/her rights.

I don't know if this guy was a plant or not. The leftists do it all the time to try to make us look bad. The thing that needs to be pointed out is that nothing happened. Everything was peaceful and all laws were obeyed. So the next time one of the anti-freedom types stands up and blathers how awful this is I would love to hear that point made to show just what kind of promoters of fear those anti-freedomers are." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by Captain Matt »

Some people are offended by rifles carried openly. Some people are offended by an interracial couple holding hands openly. Some people are offended by women displaying their faces openly. But in a free country, we don't have to hide just because some people are bigoted.
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by carlson1 »

stevie_d_64 wrote:
carlson1 wrote:Myself and two of my Assistant Pastors did a photo shoot in downtown Dallas using AR's and Shotguns. We were never bothered by anyone. I called and told the police ahead of time what we were doing, but no one ever showed up. It took us about 45 minutes to do all of the pictures.
Hey...Now those would be some pics we'd like to see!!! Honest... :thumbs2:

I will do my best to find them and post them.
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Re: Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest


Post by joe817 »

Fantastic carlson1! Thanks. I can't wait to see them. :tiphat:
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