Yeah, I was 28 then and looked 18

But back to Beto vs. Cruz. Nothing gets done in congress unless there is a majority. Majorities are not gained by individuals from various parties voting on issues. Divided gov't doesn't work IMHO. All the votes for Perot did nothing but elect Clinton. It may not be what democracy is supposed to be, but majorities work, and majorities are not gained by cherry picking issues that suit an individual, or state. It takes 60 votes in the Senate to pass anything. How do you get 60 votes unless a majority party is in control. The Dems stay glued together as a bloc, so how will a divided rest of the senate block anything they try to do. Look at Europe's past and present and all the divided gov'ts struggling to form majorities. Nothing gets done, and all they do is fight to no avail. I'm tired of voters who vote for what's best for them, rather than what's best for the country. I'm dropping my AARP membership because I'm tired of them telling me how I should vote for individuals solely because of their stance on Medicare and Social Security. Yes, I need those programs, but my country comes first!