For example, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence released a study which ranked states on the severity of their gun laws and then cross-referenced that data with rates of gun violence. In the study of 2013 crime statistics, a correlation was found which pointed to higher rates of gun violence in states with lax gun laws.
A tiny bit of research revealed that this site is run by John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York city. Why a Houston lawyer is writing for them, i have no idea. The author only quotes two sources, both of which are suspect IMHO. A fair article would also use statistics from the other side of the gun control argument, but that does not suit the agenda of the anti crowd.However, that’s not the whole story. Texas Gun Sense, an organization which advocates for stricter gun control in Texas,
I see this as an example of the kind of slanted, skewed, statistics that is paraded before legislatures in attempts to subvert our 2A rights. Let's hope this guy doesn't have many friends in the Texas legislature.