Read more: ... z4KcsLKtc41) Warning is scant! Denial/hesitation is lethal. Always have a plan and exit-strategy in place.
(2) People in motion get hit less often than people who are stationary. So, get in motion instantly. You can decide what to do WHILE you’re moving!
(3) Some victims waited for instructions. They’re still waiting! You must think independently and be courageous enough to act unilaterally, and quickly, upon your own conclusions and judgement. Waiting for/seeking “approval ” or “consensus” will be fatal.
(4) In the San Bernardino attack, a second active murderer followed the first. So, don’t relax too soon! In modern terrorist attacks, it is best to assume the presence of multiple threats.
(5) As I’ve said before, “rescue” is mostly myth. The attack will likely be over long before even the first police arrive, much less the SWAT Team. In the interim, you’re on your own!
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