Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.

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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

I'd be OK with a requirement for background checks on private sales as long as all of the following criteria were met:

1. As the seller, I can simply call a 1-800 number and give them a DL# to get a verification. No need to give anyone my info, and no retention of the request by the 1-800 number.

2. If I see a valid LTC, then I don't legally need to make a call.

3. The call is free. And it is instantaneous. An online system may actually be better.

My problem with universal background checks is that I think it's more likely that we will see a requirement for all transfers to go through FFL's than something like I have outlined above.
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by Jeff B. »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:I'd be OK with a requirement for background checks on private sales as long as all of the following criteria were met:

1. As the seller, I can simply call a 1-800 number and give them a DL# to get a verification. No need to give anyone my info, and no retention of the request by the 1-800 number.

2. If I see a valid LTC, then I don't legally need to make a call.

3. The call is free. And it is instantaneous. An online system may actually be better.

My problem with universal background checks is that I think it's more likely that we will see a requirement for all transfers to go through FFL's than something like I have outlined above.
You're correct. It will require going through an FFL and costing money. That's just icing on the cake for the Statists, as the real objective is to track and record all sales, transfers and possession of weapons.

"For the Children", of course.

For me, I don't want the Government to know anything more than what they already do, which is too much anyhow.

It's all about control.

Jeff B.
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by Solaris »

FloridaViaMissouri wrote:http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.2675727

It looks like we might be having to put up with a non guns list and a universal background check bill! I'm not following some stupid universal background check law! How is that working up in WA?

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.2675727
I say it is more like a certainty. We have Trump OK with it, NRA OK with. Heck lots of folks on this forum are OK with. Gun owners have caved again without even a fight or a negotiation to get something (50 state recipcrocity for example) in return.

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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by vjallen75 »

Solaris wrote:I say it is more like a certainty. We have Trump OK with it, NRA OK with. Heck lots of folks on this forum are OK with. Gun owners have caved again without even a fight or a negotiation to get something (50 state recipcrocity for example) in return.
I would like the idea of 50 state reciprocity.
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by K.Mooneyham »

JALLEN wrote:If by chance some are wavering, the election for 1/3rd of them is ~4 months away. This is when you have their avid attention. Not for us in Texas, of course.

Don't forget any foolishness has to get through the House, too.
I suspect you are probably correct, and this will die in the House prior to the election, after some weeks of being bandied about. However, I think that what bothers everyone so much is that assuming what you say actually happens, it still gives a bad appearance. Namely, that the generally law-abiding firearms owners in this nation, the tens of millions of them, should be the ones to bear the brunt of having somehow done something wrong, instead of only the filthy low-life Wahhabist terrorist (hat-tip Beiruty) who murdered the people in that club. ALL condemnation should be on the terrorist(s) and THEIR actions, not against Americans who've done nothing wrong, and are getting rather sick of being blamed for these violent attacks.
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by JALLEN »

K.Mooneyham wrote:
JALLEN wrote:If by chance some are wavering, the election for 1/3rd of them is ~4 months away. This is when you have their avid attention. Not for us in Texas, of course.

Don't forget any foolishness has to get through the House, too.
I suspect you are probably correct, and this will die in the House prior to the election, after some weeks of being bandied about. However, I think that what bothers everyone so much is that assuming what you say actually happens, it still gives a bad appearance. Namely, that the generally law-abiding firearms owners in this nation, the tens of millions of them, should be the ones to bear the brunt of having somehow done something wrong, instead of only the filthy low-life Wahhabist terrorist (hat-tip Beiruty) who murdered the people in that club. ALL condemnation should be on the terrorist(s) and THEIR actions, not against Americans who've done nothing wrong, and are getting rather sick of being blamed for these violent attacks.
Maybe, but it doesn't look to me like we will be getting [anything] if it is looked at realistically. It is uncomfortable to have to deal with it, and I've given up saying "that could never happen", especially after Beiruty pulled up the item about that Baptist(!) lunatic in Sacramento.

I try to avoid unreality, irresponsibility and irrelevancy whenever possible.
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

How many of you have responded to the urgent NRA call-to-action?


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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by Kkpsiknl »

Every member of my immediate family who are of age to vote have responded. Emails and phone calls.
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by RoyGBiv »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:How many of you have responded to the urgent NRA call-to-action?

I think Cruz, Cornyn and Burgess are pretty solid, but I did contact the Senators today via https://act.nraila.org/takeaction.aspx?AlertID=261 and emailed my Congressman via http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/

Also sent ILA some $$ via https://www.nraila.org/donate/
They take CC and PayPal
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by Jeff B. »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:How many of you have responded to the urgent NRA call-to-action?

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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by Outnumbered »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:How many of you have responded to the urgent NRA call-to-action?

I did. Well, at least I sent an email to Cornyn, not Cruz. From the bit of his speech I heard this morning, Cruz is already on our side. I haven't sent one to Farenthold; is it urgent to contact the house at this point?

edited to clarify which "he" I was talking about
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by oljames3 »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:How many of you have responded to the urgent NRA call-to-action?

Cornyn, Cruz, McCaul emailed multiple times.
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by DocV »

I responded and used the provided form letter.
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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by TVGuy »

I wrote Rep. Pete Sessions earlier today.

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Re: Looks like we will be getting universal background checks, no gun list etc.


Post by Solaris »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:How many of you have responded to the urgent NRA call-to-action?

I responded Monday am, before it was sent out. My inbox is stuffed with alerts now NRA, TGT, NSSF etc.
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