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Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:11 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
As already discussed, Sen. Hegar filed SB730 a/k/a the "employer parking lot" bill. Please call and/or fax your senator and ask him/her to co-author or co-sponsor SB730. Emails are easily ignored and not nearly as effective as faxes and phone calls. Faxes generate a stack of paper and phone calls are logged by most Senators.

You might want to mention the following very briefly:
  • SB 730 does not prevent an employer from keeping guns out of the workplace; it only applies to cars locked in the parking lot;

    SB 730 provides employers immunity from civil liability for any injury or damage that may result from storage of firearms in locked vehicles, unless the employer is grossly negligent.

    SB 730 allows employers to prohibit firearms in a parking area, if the parking lot is not accessible to the general public and the employer provides alternative parking for employees. Or the employer can opt to provide a place to lock up an unloaded firearm. This provision is especially useful to the petrochemical industry and any other business needing to protect sensitive areas.

    SB 730 would not apply to company-owned vehicles, nor would it allow storage of firearms in vehicles parked on property where the possession of firearms is prohibited under state or federal law.
Please, do not contact every Senator; just your own! There is no reason to bombard the entire Senate at this point. Remember, the Senate passed an employer parking lot bill last session. Here is a link to a list of Senators and phone numbers: ... ?Chamber=S" onclick=";return false;

This is our first opportunity to get involved this session, so let's have a good turnout. I'll hear about the impact of calls and faxes and I'll pass that along.


Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:18 pm
by Keith B
Charles L. Cotton wrote:As already discussed, Sen. Hegar filed SB730 a/k/a the "employer parking lot" bill. Please call and/or fax your senator and ask him/her to co-author or co-sponsor SB730. Emails are easily ignored and not nearly as effective as faxes and phone calls. Faxes generate a stack of paper and phone calls are logged by most Senators.

You might want to mention the following very briefly:
  • SB 730 does not prevent an employer from keeping guns out of the workplace; it only applies to cars locked in the parking lot;

    SB 730 provides employers immunity from civil liability for any injury or damage that may result from storage of firearms in locked vehicles, unless the employer is grossly negligent.

    SB 730 allows employers to prohibit firearms in a parking area, if the parking lot is not accessible to the general public and the employer provides alternative parking for employees. Or the employer can opt to provide a place to lock up an unloaded firearm. This provision is especially useful to the petrochemical industry and any other business needing to protect sensitive areas.

    SB 730 would not apply to company-owned vehicles, nor would it allow storage of firearms in vehicles parked on property where the possession of firearms is prohibited under state or federal law.
Please, do not contact every Senator; just your own! There is no reason to bombard the entire Senate at this point. Remember, the Senate passed an employer parking lot bill last session. Here is a link to a list of Senators and phone numbers: ... ?Chamber=S" onclick=";return false;

This is our first opportunity to get involved this session, so let's have a good turnout. I'll hear about the impact of calls and faxes and I'll pass that along.


I tried to find the ratings list for our Senators on the TSRA website, but couldn't. They even have taken down the voting guide listing those that were running for office last election.

Is there a soft copy list of the ratings available for our legislators? It might be helpful to know how your Representative feels about the RKBA before sending them an email. It can help with the tone of the email to understand if they are on our side or not when writing them.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:09 pm
by ELB
Sen Wentworth called.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:12 pm
by Luggo1
Sen. Duncan called, his staff will respond whether he supports it or not.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:14 pm
by jimlongley
Sen Shapiro called.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:20 pm
by CompVest
Emails sent will call tomorrow. I am alerting the women from my women's classes and the and Amendment Club at our local College. This should give a contact list of about 300 people. I hope at least 25% will contact their Senators.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:06 pm
by Kyle Brown
I spoke with Sen. Troy Fraser's office this morning. All indications are he will support the bill.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:48 pm
by ScubaSigGuy
I just spoke with Florence Shapiro's office and voiced my support.

I was told that currently they don't know the senator's position on the bill, but that she is generally in support of pro handgun related legislation as long as there isn't anyhting hidden in the bill.

I'll check back in a couple of days.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:47 pm
by ninjamedic2293
Spoke with Jeff Wentworth's office today, the young lady that I spoke with that handles those types of questions stated that she believed that he would support the bill however she had not had a chance to speak with him about it. I am going to be faxing them a letter as well.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:55 pm
by bdickens

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:50 pm
by nitrogen
ScubaSigGuy wrote:I just spoke with Florence Shapiro's office and voiced my support.

I was told that currently they don't know the senator's position on the bill, but that she is generally in support of pro handgun related legislation as long as there isn't anyhting hidden in the bill.

I'll check back in a couple of days.
She's my senator; and I'll call her office on Monday. I've already emailed (I know it's useless) but I will call on monday, as I have the day off.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:58 pm
by Keith B
nitrogen wrote:
ScubaSigGuy wrote:I just spoke with Florence Shapiro's office and voiced my support.

I was told that currently they don't know the senator's position on the bill, but that she is generally in support of pro handgun related legislation as long as there isn't anyhting hidden in the bill.

I'll check back in a couple of days.
She's my senator; and I'll call her office on Monday. I've already emailed (I know it's useless) but I will call on monday, as I have the day off.
Federal holiday, so I doubt there will be anyone in the office.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:42 pm
by srothstein
The legislature did something unusual this year and is closing for the holiday. All state employees are off (except those ho work critical shift work). Usually during the session, the legislature stays in session and the state goes to skeleton crews in the offices. Given the delays in getting the committee assignments worked out, I was really surprised they took the holiday off. There are going to be a lot of bills killed at the end of the session due to time limits.

Re: Support SB730 - Call now

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:12 am
by Liberty
Russell wrote:Maybe they need their pay cut for slacking :thumbs2:
Good idea. Don't pay them their $600 bucks this month.