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HB 1020 -

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:22 pm
by jrosto
HB 1020 is a bill:
relating to the use, exhibition, or possession of a firearm by public school students participating in certain school-sponsored programs and activities sponsored or supported by the Parks and Wildlife Department.
It appears that this bill would open the door to public school sponsored shooting events.

Current legislation reads:
[A] student shall be expelled from a school if the student, on school property or while attending a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off of school property:

(1) uses, exhibits, or possesses:

(A) a firearm as defined by Section 46.01(3),Penal Code;
This bill would add:
(a)Except as provided by Subsection (k), a student shall be expelled from a school...
Subsection (k) states:
(k) A student may not be expelled solely on the basis of the student ’s use, exhibition, or possession of a firearm that occurs:

(1) at an approved target range facility that is not located on a school campus; and

(2) while participating in or preparing for a school-sponsored shooting sports competition or a shooting sports
educational activity that is sponsored or supported by the Parks and Wildlife Department or a shooting sports sanctioning organization working with the department.
Looks pretty good. Does anyone have any background on this bill?

ETA a link to the bill: HB 1020