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Texas Senate District 17 Run-off
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:26 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
If you live in Texas Senate District 17 and haven't voted in the run-off, please remember to vote tomorrow. Joan Huffman is running against Chris Bell and we really need Huffman to win this election. We don't need Chris Bell in Austin, anymore than we needed him in Washington.
Re: Texas Senate District 17 Run-off
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:25 pm
by seamusTX
Senate District 17, mostly Galveston, Harris, Brazoria, Chambers, and Jefferson, but who really knows?
- Jim
Re: Texas Senate District 7 Run-off
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:57 pm
by boomerang
Re: Texas Senate District 7 Run-off
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:48 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Joan Huffman won the runoff for Texas Senate Dist. 17.
Re: Texas Senate District 17 Run-off
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 12:52 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Here is a message from Alice Tripp, Legislative Director for TSRA, concerning the importance of the Senate Dist. 17 runoff that Joan Huffman just won.
Alice Tripp wrote:Yesterday's run off between former US Congressman Chris Bell (C rated Democrat) and Republican Joan Huffman was won by Huffman. This part-of-5-counties state senate district was previously held by Republican State Senator Kyle Janek who retired mid-term.
It was considered by the Democrats to be so important that Bill Clinton helped in Texas with fundraising. You might remember that Chris Bell tried his hand at running for the Governor's office in 2006 and was obviously setting himself up for another attempt at higher office.
Why the concern? Don't we have a Republican majority? In the Texas Senate no bill can be heard (brought up for a vote) on the Senate floor without 21 of the 31 state senators voting to discuss the legislation.
This senate seat could have been the ultimate show-stopper.
TSRA endorsed Joan Huffman in the run off. She received PAC funds, 3 email alerts, and post cards. NRA used the full extent of their resources in this race also.
The Lt. Governor's office and others appreciate our efforts, not to mention Huffman, the new A rated senate-elect for SD 17 a Houston area district.
Last of the elections! Thanks for the help.