Looking for part time in DFW

If you have a job you want to offer to TexasCHLforum members first, or if you are looking for a job, post it here.

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Looking for part time in DFW


Post by greenbeer »

Hey all. Hours are getting a bit scarce at work and I am looking to make up for them. Not too picky about type of work, more the time, hours and area. NE Tarrant or Mid Cities would be ideal. Mon-Fri late morning to early evenings.

My normal start times at current job are between 3 and 4 AM and usually am out by 9:30. If anyone knows of something anything really please send me a PM or email. Post here and I'll send a PM with my contact number.

Obviously have a clean record and can pass background/drug screen etc. I'm fairly handy and come from an automotive and pawnshop background. I'm pretty easy to teach and am always willing to learn something new.

In Sig I trust.
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