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Licence question

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:04 pm
by Joshua Lee
Im a Tx resident... But dont have a CHL (I don't carry) But, Im looking to start carrying a pistol.. Should I just get the Utah licence and be done with it? Or get the TX one?

Joshua Lee

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:24 pm
by Xander
Personally, I think the fact that you can get a Texas CHL in roughly two months (less for mine) and you may wait six months or more for a Utah license, the choice is clear. Additionally, if you intend to travel, there are states that would recognize your Texas license, but won't recognize a license from a state that you're not a resident of.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:56 pm
by JRG
Get 'em both, that way your covered coming and going. Utah is cheaper. They both work in Texas and surrounding states. Utah gives you a couple of states that don't cooperate with Texas. That's why I have both, just in case I visit those "extra" states in the future.


Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:59 pm
by Tim the Teacher
My Florida license was 18 days door to door while Texas took 42.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:15 pm
by Joshua Lee
I dont want to sit in a 10 hr class and go shooting ect... I know how to shoot a gun so Utah CHP seems like the easy way out... I don't travel out of Texas hardy ever (4-5 times in my life) lol...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:29 pm
by rkhal
I would get the Texas chl.

Yes Texas recognizes the Utah permit but I am not sure how valid that would be if you ever get in a a problem arises situation.

There is a lot to be said for learning the Texas laws.

You only save 2 hours on a Utah class and you still have to shoot. More than you have to do for Texas.

"Utah (C.C.W.) Training Course $150 (Lic.# 100336)
Pre-requisites: No criminal record* (call for details)
Course length: 8 hours
State mandated training course required to apply for a Utah (CCW) permit. Course includes all classroom and range instruction plus fingerprinting, notarization and passport photos. Does not include state fee.
Required Equipment: Handgun (revolver or semi-auto., .38 cal. or higher) and 2 boxes of ammunition."

Last, I think that since our state enabled us to get a chl we should take advantage of it.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:34 pm
by AEA
I think handing a Texas Police Officer a Non-Resident (or even a Resident) Utah Carry License along with your Texas Driver's License would be a "Red Flag" to any Officer.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:38 pm
by DoubleJ
Joshua Lee wrote:I dont want to sit in a 10 hr class and go shooting ect...
you need to. that class will help with more than just "you can't carry here," or "you kin shewt'em for this."

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:44 pm
by frankie_the_yankee
AEA wrote:I think handing a Police Officer a Non-Resident Texas CHL along with your Texas Driver's License would be a "Red Flag" to any Officer.

Add to that you are stopped driving a car with Texas Registration........

You tell me......
In 2001, when I first moved here (and before I was eligible for a TX CHL) I was stopped by Austin PD driving a car with TX plates. At the time I was carrying on a FL LTC that still had my old RI address on it. I had checked with DPS and they told me that it was OK to do that.

When he asked for my license I made a declaration just as if I had a TX CHL and handed him both my DL (with my correct TX address on it) and my FL LTC with my RI address on it. (Note that according to FL, as long as you notify them of your change of address - and I had - the LTC remains valid whether you request an updated copy or not.)

The first thing he did was ask me where I really lived. "Texas.", I said. Then, he politely asked me if I was sure the FL LTC was valid in TX. I told him that DPS had told me so and he said, "OK.".

And that was the end of it. No problems of any kind.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:27 pm
by cbr600

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:58 pm
by DMG
If you do not want to take the class and do the shooting, perhaps you might want to re-think your commitment to carrying. Just my $0.02. DMG.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:04 pm
by Crossfire
rkhal wrote: You only save 2 hours on a Utah class and you still have to shoot. More than you have to do for Texas.

"Utah (C.C.W.) Training Course $150 (Lic.# 100336)
Pre-requisites: No criminal record* (call for details)
Course length: 8 hours
State mandated training course required to apply for a Utah (CCW) permit. Course includes all classroom and range instruction plus fingerprinting, notarization and passport photos. Does not include state fee.
Required Equipment: Handgun (revolver or semi-auto., .38 cal. or higher) and 2 boxes of ammunition."
That may be what THAT particular instructor requires, but that is not what Utah BCI requires. Utah requires that instructors teach a minimum 4 hour course (this is new for those of you who may have taken a shorter class) and cover certain specified topics (mainly firearms safety and Utah firearms laws). There is NO shooting proficiency requirement.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:06 pm
by Crossfire
Russell wrote:Take the Texas class

Pay the fee

Listen to the instructor

And support your state for gosh sakes!
Or, take ONE class and get BOTH licenses. Then you don't have to make a decision. ;-)

And who DOESN'T want to shoot? It's the best part of the class!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:57 pm
by stevie_d_64
llwatson wrote:
Russell wrote:Take the Texas class

Pay the fee

Listen to the instructor

And support your state for gosh sakes!
Or, take ONE class and get BOTH licenses. Then you don't have to make a decision. ;-)

And who DOESN'T want to shoot? It's the best part of the class!
Charles is going to charge you for this...A bill will undoubtably be on the way soon... :smilelol5: