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Chicago Wants Social Media History

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:34 am
by chasfm11
For those who don't follow the antics over guns in Chicago, they require a Firearm Owner Identification or FOID in order to purchase a gun. This new law would require that a person turn over their access to their social media history in order to have it checked for disqualifying behavior for the FOID.

What could possibly go wrong? Even the ACLU opposes. ... ound-foid/

Re: Chicago Wants Social Media History

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:25 am
by KLB
Daniel Didech, the bill's sponsor, paints himself as a moderate:
Didech says his bill is a less intrusive version of a similar measure that’s been proposed in New York state. That version allows police to recover a gun license applicant’s entire browsing history. Even Didech says that goes too far.
Heaven save us from such moderation.

Re: Chicago Wants Social Media History

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:27 am
by OneGun
They dont call it Illannoy for nothing!