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Louisiana and off-shore fishing

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:15 pm
by Teamless
End of this week, I am going with friends South of New Orleans and to deep sea fishing.

I know the general laws for Louisiana, but I am curious for when I am offshore.
Is there any issues when we go past any 'invisible line' in the water, going from possible Louisiana jurisdiction to federal jurisdiction.

Also, while on the boat, I will have the weapon in my backpack, any legal concerns there, like if the Coast Guard comes to do any inspection?


Re: Louisiana and off-shore fishing

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:36 pm
by Pariah3j
Any idea how far out you are going ?
Federal law allows the transport of weapons in vessels if they are unloaded, rendered temporarily inoperable or are packed, cased or stored in a manner that will prevent their ready use. Under these conditions, no permit is required. As you transgress Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia waters, while the laws are “generally similar” (with some variations and exceptions while fishing or hunting), in most states gun laws that apply to boats often follow similar rules which apply to vehicles. ... -l-gardana

As long as you stay in inland water, state laws should prevail - IANAL so take that with a grain of salt as a lay man. Just not sure how far out is covered by Inland/State laws.

Re: Louisiana and off-shore fishing

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:54 pm
by Teamless
Likely up to 20 miles or possibly further
I don't want to leave it in the vehicle at the dock

I wonder what "inoperable" is defined as?
Magazine not in gun?
Or do they mean disassembled?

Re: Louisiana and off-shore fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:50 pm
by Pariah3j
Teamless wrote:Likely up to 20 miles or possibly further
I don't want to leave it in the vehicle at the dock

I wonder what "inoperable" is defined as?
Magazine not in gun?
Or do they mean disassembled?
I believe inoperable to mean it's made so it's not readily able to fire - so taken apart or a lock of some sort on it. I've heard that you simply need to remove magazine and ammo and store them somewhere separate when traveling in a car, so I assume it to be the same for boats.

Googling hasn't come up with much more then other forums where the questions was raised as well. Most of the answers seemed to be more worried about state carry laws, and seem to suggest that if the CG were to board/inspect the boat the were likely not to ask or care about carry if licenced.

Re: Louisiana and off-shore fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:13 pm
by ScottDLS
AFAIK there is no Federal law against carrying on a vessel, so you would need only follow the law of the state of jurisdiction.

In the case of FL & TX gulf waters it appears that state jurisdiction extends 9 nautical miles, other states 3 NM. US jurisdiction 12 or 24 NM, with "economic jurisdiction (i.e. OIL) 200 NM or until you run into another nation's jurisdiction.

State Seaward Boundaries in the United States:
(0 to 3 Nautical Miles; 0 to 9 Nautical Miles for Texas,
Florida’s Gulf Coast, and Puerto Rico)

Re: Louisiana and off-shore fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:30 pm
by Teamless
Thanks all

Re: Louisiana and off-shore fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:38 pm
by twomillenium
I believe state law jurisdiction for Colorado extends to 100 miles off Colorado shores.