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Oklahoma okays teachers carrying weapons in Okay schools

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:33 pm
by NotRPB
Oklahoma okays teachers carrying weapons in Okay schools
By Anthony Hennen | February 3, 2016 ... 1JK5rGs.02
An Oklahoma public school district has given its teachers and staff the okay to carry guns on school grounds.

Okay Public Schools is the first in the state to allow it, and the administration sees the policy as a substitute for hiring campus police officers, according to News On 6.

“If something were to ever happen and I didn’t try to defend my kids, I couldn’t live with that,” Superintendent Charles McMahan told News on 6.

The school system is in a rural area and educates about 400 students.

For any teachers or staff to carry a weapon on campus, they must seek approval from the school board and complete security training, then undergo tests throughout the year.

McMahan claims that the standards to carry a gun will be higher than those for the average police officer in Oklahoma.
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Re: Oklahoma okays teachers carrying weapons in Okay schools

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:02 pm
by Nuts
A few weeks ago my sons school went on lockdown for 3 hrs while police where searching for someone about a 1/4 mile away.

I asked him what did they do during the lockdown. He said that it was scary. They sat on the floor with the lights out and the doors locked. He couldn't tell what the teacher to them( he's in the second grade) just that they needed to hide from the bad man.

It chaps my... Well makes me mad that they are teaching fear to our children. A few armed teachers, locked outer doors and continue the day as if nothing is going on would be a better reaction.

Re: Oklahoma okays teachers carrying weapons in Okay schools

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:10 pm
by mojo84
What about the not so okay schools? :)

Re: Oklahoma okays teachers carrying weapons in Okay schools

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:05 pm
by NotRPB
mojo84 wrote:What about the not so okay schools? :)
Maybe the other schools aren't all okay, maybe some are worse, maybe some are better, and these are "just okay"
I think it's "JUST OKAY" ... okay? :smilelol5: