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Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:36 pm
by Pariah3j
So I know several states now have "out of state" or non-resident CHL licenses and from what I understand will usually accept your state CHL/LTC cards as proof of training/eligibility. At least I remember FL having something like that, and was told there were at least a couple other states.

I was just curious if anyone else here on the forums has done this or looked into this. My thought being that by getting a couple other state CHL licences, I might be able to expand my reciprocity for traveling/road trips. All this being said, I'm still waiting for my TX LTC so it's a moot point at this moment.

Anyone else considered this or looked into it ? Would it be worth the hassle ?

Re: Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:43 pm
by oljames3
Pariah3j wrote:So I know several states now have "out of state" or non-resident CHL licenses and from what I understand will usually accept your state CHL/LTC cards as proof of training/eligibility. At least I remember FL having something like that, and was told there were at least a couple other states.

I was just curious if anyone else here on the forums has done this or looked into this. My thought being that by getting a couple other state CHL licences, I might be able to expand my reciprocity for traveling/road trips. All this being said, I'm still waiting for my TX LTC so it's a moot point at this moment.

Anyone else considered this or looked into it ? Would it be worth the hassle ?
Whether or not a non-resident carry license/permit would be worth the hassle will be very situation-specific. The few states with which Texas has no agreement are places I would not usually want to go.

My 19 year old son and I will be going to Missouri next summer for a national model rocket contest. Having a permit/license makes carrying easier. I'll have my Texas LTC, but I have not found a state that will issue a non-resident concealed permit/license to anyone under 21.

Others will have different situations.

Re: Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:19 pm
by Jumping Frog
I've also got Ohio, Utah, and Pennsylvania licenses in addition to my Texas license.

My Ohio license gets me reciprocity in MN, WA, and NV. My PA license adds Maine. The Utah license adds WA. I've got a sister who lives in in MN, so that has potential value if I ever visit, and it is always good to be armed if I had to go to Vegas.

You could also get an AZ license (adds NV). Adding a FL or VA license does not get you any additional states.

The other advantage of a "backup license" is if you have staggered renewal dates, you can still carry right here in Texas if there are renewal delays with your Texas license.

Re: Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:58 am
by Pariah3j
Thanks Jumping Frog - that's kinda what I was looking for. I haven't begun to really research which states had what reciprocity so that gives me at least a couple other states to look into.

Re: Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:21 am
by mr1337
Arizona CHL is easy to get. They require 2 fingerprint cards along with the application (which they will send you) and proof of training. A copy of your Texas CHL counts as proof of training. Got mine for NV reciprocity, and it was an utterly painless process.

I'm trying to get WA reciprocity because I'll probably be visiting Seattle next year. The only thing I've found that's possible to get is Utah, but classes are few and far between in Central Texas.

Jumping Frog wrote:I've also got Ohio, Utah, and Pennsylvania licenses in addition to my Texas license.

My Ohio license gets me reciprocity in MN, WA, and NV. My PA license adds Maine. The Utah license adds WA. I've got a sister who lives in in MN, so that has potential value if I ever visit, and it is always good to be armed if I had to go to Vegas.

You could also get an AZ license (adds NV). Adding a FL or VA license does not get you any additional states.

The other advantage of a "backup license" is if you have staggered renewal dates, you can still carry right here in Texas if there are renewal delays with your Texas license.

How did you get Ohio? From what I can gather, they only issue to those who live or work in the state.

Re: Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 5:40 am
by Jumping Frog
mr1337 wrote:How did you get Ohio? From what I can gather, they only issue to those who live or work in the state.
I was a resident when it was originally issued. Now, I have a family member business owner who lists me as an employee.

Re: Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:23 pm
by Cypresschick
I just received my Texas LTC, and will be sending off for my Florida license. The CHL class I took allowed us to get fingerprints done by an officer for an extra $25 for the Florida license. They really pushed people to have both in case you lose your Texas license, you would have your Florida license at home as a back up while you wait for your replacement. It is very affordable, so I figure why not!

Re: Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:43 am
by RoyGBiv
^^^ FL license is relatively expensive and doesn't get you any additional States (used to, but not any longer).
I have a FL license that I will let lapse next year when I pick up an AZ license. AZ is less cost and covers NV.

Re: Out of State/Non-Resident CHL for expanded reciprocity

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:44 pm
by mr1337
AZ is a breeze to get if you have TX. Quick, cheap, and they accept your TX CHL/LTC as proof of training. Just gotta get your fingerprints sent along with everything and they will process it. I grabbed AZ for Nevada. Currently trying to find a Utah class for WA.