In California, CWPs are issued by the local sheriff, and most local sheriffs are not inclined to issue them, PARTICULARLY in those counties of which large metropolitan areas are the county seat. That pretty much rules out San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, and Alameda counties - which contain the cities guessed it.....San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, and Oakland (got you on that last one!).
San Bernardino county as well as some of the more rural counties will issue a few permits. When we were in California just this past December, we had an interesting incident. We were at the Target in Pasadena, and in one of the big elevators between floors (it's a 3 story store), when my son (who at the time carried a Kimber Pro Carry for EDC) brushed his hand across his right hip, looked at me, and said, "it just doesn't feel right". The only other person in the elevator besides my family and me was this other woman, who chuckled, and said "no, it doesn't does it?". Then she volunteered to us that she was probably the only woman in San Bernardino county with a carry license. So we talked with her for a few minutes about concealed carry matters. Probably nobody else would have known what my son was saying, but she got it immediately.
The problem you'll run into in California too, is that although your local sheriff issued permit is
supposed to be valid statewide, most of the anti-gun counties won't honor it in the breach; you might well be arrested and charged, and your gun confiscated. You may eventually prevail, but the legal costs may well be greater than the cost of just walking away from ownership of that gun.
Recent court developments have mandated that California's "may issue" status is a 2nd Amendment violation and the courts have ordered the state to become "shall issue", but that process is still being worked out (and fought over), and you can take it to the bank that individual leftist metropolitan centers will eventually lobby the legislature for, and get, local preemption of state law so that they can continue to trample the Constitution. It will take a ruling at the
federal level to begin to hammer down those walls - and even then, as we have learned from DC and Chicago's reactions to the Heller and McDonald cases respectively, local governments will likely continue to defy the law long after the issue has been settled by the is happening here, except in reverse: ... arry-case/. The San Diego County Sheriff lost in the 9th Circuit decision in
Peruta v. San Diego, in which it was held that the Sheriff's "Good Cause" policy constituted an infringement on the right to carry. This policy declared that the applicant had to show "good cause" for why they should be issued a permit before the Sheriff would issue one. Of course, "
NO cause" was "good cause" enough to meet the Sheriff's arbitrary threshold. He conceded the fight in the light of the ruling, which in effect, made California into a "shall issue" state. However, California's hard leftist AG Kamala Harris has tried to intervene in the case, demanding that the 9th circuit revisit the case for an
en banc ruling. Alan Gura, among others, has filed a brief arguing that Harris has no standing because the court had all the materials that it needed to consider the case, and that the materials under consideration don't
change just because of an
en benc hearing; therefore an
en banc hearing will hear no
new evidence or other materials, and the
en banc court would therefore be compelled to deliver the same decision. Therefore Kamala Harris's motion is merely an attempt to delay or circumnavigate justice.
No doubt. She is a commie hag.