OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.

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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by RoyGBiv »

speedsix wrote:...it looks like the officers went white with fear, realizing how stupid they'd been and that they were searching a car, being rude to a man who turns out to have been armed "and who possessed a valid CHL, indicating that he had no prior criminal record"...if it had been a BG...they could easily have been killed...and they overreacted and tried to make it seem his fault...instead of learning from their stupid, unprofessional actions and accepting it as a wake-up call...I wouldn't even wanna have these two working at 7-11...poor and poorer excuse for an LEO...had they been professional and done the right thing, the notification would have been given in a timely manner...
:iagree: my addition underlined.
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

As I posted in the duplicate thread, my first thought was "Roid Rage." The cop is a pretty beefy guy, and he's clearly and irrationally out of control—even toward the end of the video when he's talking to the other officer trying to justify his behavior. I think that by that point, he was becoming aware that he might have behaved poorly and he felt a need to cover it. Classic guilt behavior. A normally well adjusted person would not have felt the need to explain his behavior because he would have instinctively understood it to be appropriate and not in need of any explanation. A normally well adjusted person would not have let his anger get the best of him like that, and a simple "boy, that guy really ticked me off" or a "boy, that guy was a piece of work, wasn't he?" afterword would have been all that any normal person would have felt the need to say.

The other officer was clearly in much better control of his faculties..... although he did good by searching the back seat while the driver was still in the car. Rookies.......
Last edited by The Annoyed Man on Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by chasfm11 »

kyreb wrote:Lived in Ohio for 5 years. I am not anti- LEO at all but cops up there tend to be a different breed...especially the state troopers. I had one who lived a couple doors down from that refused to talk to me...even wave for that matter, despite the fact he would bring his kid by the house regularly to sell items to fund the little guy's various sports teams. (Which I did. The kid was a neat little guy).
Anyway, the Ohio cops fought the state's "new" CHL law with a vengence. They lobbied to disallow a CHL to carry unsecured in your own car. ( since repealed I believe). Your CHL was tied to the tags on your car and the cops would pull over CHLs regularly just to harass them. Needless to say, the wife and I did not bother to apply for a CHL while we lived there.
Oh, one more thing, in Ohio if you have an AR15 and a mag that holds over 30 rounds, state law classified your semi auto AR as an "illegal machine gun".
Ohio is definately not a gun friendly state unless said gun is a skeet shotgun, unloaded, locked up and completely inaccessable at all times.

God bless Texas ( and KY too).

I, too, am not anti-LEO. We have a number of good friends here in Texas who are or were LEOs.

I believe that a general LEO mindset is different in much in the Northeast and that the approach from these Ohio LEOs is not much different than that of LEOs in NJ and MD. I worked in Wilmington, DE for a number of years and had part of MD as my territory where I supervised service personnel. We lived in Northern NJ for a number of years and saw LEO interaction with the public. I consider neither of those States to be as gun friendly as Ohio. The interesting paradox for Ohio is neighboring PA. Outside of Philadelphia, PA is generally gun friendly, perhaps even more so than Texas. LEOs there (again outside of Phila.) have neither the same overall attitude nor are gun unfriendly as those in Ohio. What magic happens on the Ohio/PA border, I have no idea but it does seem to be a remarkable transformation.
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by SQLGeek »

Would it be over the line to think this officer should face charges for making threats? He clearly is not thinking with any sort of a clear head and by the end of this video, I think he's realizing that everything he said is on tape. He is just the type that does not need to be wearing a badge.
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by sugar land dave »

This looks like classic roid rage to me. Scary!
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by v-rog »

It feels like both the LEOs and the driver were caught off guard which resulted in a less than stellar "stop." I think the officers would have been OK if they would have left out some of the "colorful metaphors," the negative character references, and the threat to the driver's life (toward the end of the video). I wonder if the primary LEO was scared and reacted out of his fear (that he didn't initally approach the driver and make sure that all three people were unarmed?

I say this because the LEOs encounter dangerous situaions daily and you don't know what you are getting into when you "pull up." It seems as if the LEOs were dealing with the most present threat (the woman and the other passenger)." The primary LEO was a little distracted but had his partner covered during most of the search.

But I was a little puzzeled when it came to running the plates. Toward the end of the video, the dispatcher can be heard saying that the driver has a CHL. What happened when they initially ran the plates at the beginning of the stop? Did it not show up?
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by terryg »

SQLGeek wrote:Would it be over the line to think this officer should face charges for making threats? He clearly is not thinking with any sort of a clear head and by the end of this video, I think he's realizing that everything he said is on tape. He is just the type that does not need to be wearing a badge.
I agree - charges should be filled. He essentially threatened to kill the guy multiple times. Perhaps terroristic threats, professional suppression ...

That, plus massive 4th amendment abuses ...

No, I am 100% pro LEO - but this guy needs more than just to lose his badge.
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by RPB »

Canton officer under investigation after concealed carry arrest
http://www.cantonrep.com/topstories/x12 ... rry-arrest" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
“I think it’s important for citizens to understand that the behavior demonstrated on the video is wholly unacceptable, and it violates many of our rules, our regulations and standards we demand of our officers,” Chief Dean McKimm said Thursday
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by mamabearCali »

jimlongley wrote:Massive civil rights violations, including a total lack of Miranda, and not one peep from the anti-TSA crowd.
I just read about this an hour ago.

This has precious little to do with the TSA (other than both having really nasty breaches of civil rights). Just a really really bad cop, combined with dangerous conflicting law requirements for the citizen (must obey the order to S*** U*, but also must notify). Thank God the guy can still have a lawyer and defend himself and is not dead with how out of control that cop was. Most LEO's are decent good public servants, incidents like this one make life harder and more dangerous for everyone. FWIW The Canton police department does have a statement on their facebook page. This is it.

"I want to assure our citizens that the behavior, as demonstrated in this video, is wholly unacceptable and in complete contradiction to the professional standards we demand of our officers. As such, appropriate steps were placed in motion as dictated by our standards, policies and contractual obligations. Those steps included: The officer immediately being relieved of all duty. The incident has been referred to the Internal Affairs Bureau for what will be a complete and thorough investigation. As bad as the video indicates our officer's actions were, there is a due process procedure to follow. That process is designed in the best interest of both our employees and the citizens at large. That process will be followed in this case as in all others. Anyone shown to be in violation of our rules and regulations will be help appropriately responsible as dictated by all the facts. ~Chief Dean McKimm"
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by Kirk »

"I want to assure our citizens that the behavior, as demonstrated in this video, is wholly unacceptable and in complete contradiction to the professional standards we demand of our officers. As such, appropriate steps were placed in motion as dictated by our standards, policies and contractual obligations. Those steps included: The officer immediately being relieved of all duty. The incident has been referred to the Internal Affairs Bureau for what will be a complete and thorough investigation. As bad as the video indicates our officer's actions were, there is a due process procedure to follow. That process is designed in the best interest of both our employees and the citizens at large. That process will be followed in this case as in all others. Anyone shown to be in violation of our rules and regulations will be help appropriately responsible as dictated by all the facts. ~Chief Dean McKimm"

There was TWO officers involved but only one relieved of duty. The second officer although not the main aggressor is still at fault, he did nothing to defuse the situation.

I used to do ride along with a couple LEOs and could not believe the trash the had to put up with but they still maintain a professional demeanor. I believe this is true with the vast majority of LEOs but these two will make other LEO's job so much harder.
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by Medic624 »

From 0:01 to 13:30 it was a complete cluster .... Poor execution from initial contact... Too distracted with the other occupants ... Failure to secure ALL occupants prior to search (although to me he had questionable PC) as well as a failure to run the tags on initial contact... Which to me is very odd... The second officer is just as culpable as the "vocal" one because he did nothing but add to the situation.

BUT... at 13:30 to about 13:55 is when the LEO goes from (im being nice) "completely unprofessional" to what I would consider a complete abuse of position and power (as well as making deadly threats). He actually used the words "Execute you" ... Shoot you in self defense, have to draw my weapon and defend myself or a myriad of ANY OTHER words but...EXECUTE YOU?!? :shock:

That was obviously not a mistake or poor choice of words... that was a deliberate use of words to describe a very specific action.

Does the driver have time to notify? Well, how many threads have we had to discuss the " recommended" actions when pulled over by a LEO and how many have talked about "the jitters of carrying when around LEO or while pulled over" and this driver has had his CHL for less than a month. As far as I saw he probably had an opportunity while the other officer was searching his vehicle (with him IN it) but for whatever reason didn't.

Unfortunately it is because of these types of interactions that people remember and group ALL LEO into one small box as if they're ALL like this...
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by speedsix »

...this old fat grey-haired ex-training officer can't even give those two redneck goons five points on the scale of 100...they DO have a process to deal with them, and the Chief's statement tells us they're on top of it...give the system time to sort it all out, and justice will be served...and the wounds will heal...over time...a lot of time...in the mean time, how many good officers will be shot, beaten, or just ignored when they need a helping hand because of the actions of these two idiots??? The damage they did the badge through this being shown/told far and wide can't be measured...they oughta spend the rest of their lives pickin' guano off the mountainside in Peru...barehanded...
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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

If Canton PD doesn't fire that guy, it had better start saving a lot of money to pay the huge judgments that are going to have entered against it. Among the numerous ways he violated the driver's constitutional rights, stating he should have committed murder will cause Canton to lose a lawsuit in record time. If I was chief, I'd fire both officers and I'd turn the video over to the U.S. Attorney and demand that the out of control COP be prosecuted in the federal system, not Ohio State court.

The video wasn't clear enough to hear whether the driver tried to disclose he had a license and was armed, but with the COP that out of control, I could easily see how a driver would be terrified not to "shut up" when he was screamed at by a COP acting like he was on PCP. Neither officer has any credibility with me; I'd take the corner crack dealer's word over either of those guys. I've said it many times before, no one hates a bad COP more than a good COP. Think of all of Canton PD Officers who are going to have to live with the consequences of this guy's antics.

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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

RPB wrote:Canton officer under investigation after concealed carry arrest
http://www.cantonrep.com/topstories/x12 ... rry-arrest" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
“I think it’s important for citizens to understand that the behavior demonstrated on the video is wholly unacceptable, and it violates many of our rules, our regulations and standards we demand of our officers,” Chief Dean McKimm said Thursday
I just read the statement by Canton Police Patrolman Association President Bill Adams. He should have kept his mouth shut, if that's the best he could do. His "Casper Milk Toast" response to this incident looks like an attempt to make excuses for the egregious conduct by Officer Harless. You don't see the two Houston PD unions getting involved in something as blatant as this incident;they're too smart to make that mistake and lose any credibility with the public. Trying to blame this on a new concealed carry law is absurd. Nothing would justify the officer's conduct and trying to white-wash it is a huge mistake.


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Re: OH - LEO Notification goes BAD, really BAD.


Post by TrueFlog »

Texas Dan Mosby wrote: The CHL holder had AMPLE time to notify BOTH officers and he FAILED. I'm not buying the "they wouldn't let me speak" excuse, nor am I buying the "...but officer, I wasn't picking up a prostitute" story either.
When, pray tell, did he have time? Neither of the officers approached him until well into the stop, at which time the driver tried to notify them. The only time prior to that when an officer was within conversational range was when the officer was searching the back seat. If he had informed at that time, you can guarantee it would have gone much worse for him. Or do you just expect him to yell "I've got a gun!" as soon as they pulled him over? Had he done that, it probably would've been the last thing he ever did.
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