Former cops need not apply, but former inmates are being encouraged by the city of Oakland to apply for slots on the city’s new police commission.
A notice recently posted on the city’s website for would-be commissioners says, “Must be an Oakland resident. Must be at least 18 years old. Formerly incarcerated individuals encouraged to apply.”
And what really bugs the cops is that the voter-approved measure creating the commission bars current and former Oakland cops from serving, as well as police union employees.
Californians are so stupid now that they are no longer made dizzy by swirling around the toilet bowl.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
Former cops need not apply, but former inmates are being encouraged by the city of Oakland to apply for slots on the city’s new police commission.
A notice recently posted on the city’s website for would-be commissioners says, “Must be an Oakland resident. Must be at least 18 years old. Formerly incarcerated individuals encouraged to apply.”
And what really bugs the cops is that the voter-approved measure creating the commission bars current and former Oakland cops from serving, as well as police union employees.
Californians are so stupid now that they are no longer made dizzy by swirling around the toilet bowl.
I thought, if this was April 1st, that this would have been a great prank. Why stop with "previously" incarcerated? Wouldn't that make a great work program for current inmates?
I can't imagine the level of stupidity, that one must possess, to be elected in California. Is a full frontal Lobotomy, a pre-requisite to run for office?
Take away the Second first, and the First is gone in a second
Let's take this farce to it's lowest denouement. Let's run with Anthony Burgess's idea from "A Clockwork Orange". Let's recruit the ex-cons to BE cops. That should speed up Kalifornia's implosion.....
Last edited by JustSomeOldGuy on Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
member of the church of San Gabriel de Possenti
lay brother in the order of St. John Moses Browning
USPSA limited/single stack/revolver
California cops have to enforce unconstitutional laws and now they have to listen to jailbirds. My heart goes out to them, those who see the true nature of California's counterproductive gun policies, anyway.
On the other hand, do you have to be a California resident to apply? I'm not proud of it, but I have a criminal history. That's assuming three traffic tickets in the 45 years since I got my learner's permit is an intense enough crime spree to suit their needs.
Former cops need not apply, but former inmates are being encouraged by the city of Oakland to apply for slots on the city’s new police commission.
A notice recently posted on the city’s website for would-be commissioners says, “Must be an Oakland resident. Must be at least 18 years old. Formerly incarcerated individuals encouraged to apply.”
And what really bugs the cops is that the voter-approved measure creating the commission bars current and former Oakland cops from serving, as well as police union employees.
Californians are so stupid now that they are no longer made dizzy by swirling around the toilet bowl.
Liberalism is the philosophy of the terminally stupid.
Former cops need not apply, but former inmates are being encouraged by the city of Oakland to apply for slots on the city’s new police commission.
A notice recently posted on the city’s website for would-be commissioners says, “Must be an Oakland resident. Must be at least 18 years old. Formerly incarcerated individuals encouraged to apply.”
And what really bugs the cops is that the voter-approved measure creating the commission bars current and former Oakland cops from serving, as well as police union employees.
Californians are so stupid now that they are no longer made dizzy by swirling around the toilet bowl.
I thought, if this was April 1st, that this would have been a great prank. Why stop with "previously" incarcerated? Wouldn't that make a great work program for current inmates?
I can't imagine the level of stupidity, that one must possess, to be elected in California. Is a full frontal Lobotomy, a pre-requisite to run for office?
Methinks it's the stupidity of the electors more so than the stupidity of the electees?
Abraham wrote:What's the rationale for recruiting ex-cons?
It really makes a lot of sense to me. I believe those Hair Club ads that talk about the CEO being the best customer make a truly valid point.
Serial felons are the police department's best customers, so it's just logical...
Oh, wait, former inmates in charge of the police? Convicts?
Never mind. Let my inner idiot get a little out of control. Sorry.
I guess, since so many Commifornia, officials, keep getting arrested, they have a special affinity towards convicts, (kindred spirits) I guess they now believe they are capable of making good decisions. And to be fair, I don't know if convicts in California, will do a worse job than those who hold office.
Take away the Second first, and the First is gone in a second