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A tale of three rifles.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:14 pm
by Warhorse545
I worked on M-16A2's in the army years and years back. Never had an M4. Never shot an M4, might not ever shoot a real one so I decided a cone would work. Was a big fan of the CAR-15 which I did get to shoot. Figured M4 was close enough. Mentioned to my son what I was doing and he said he and his best friend had lowers for a year or so and looking to build a an AR. Did some research and the lowers were mil-spec. They are both 22. But good kids. No funds. They work the crappy hours and shifts I did trying to make it. Both have jobs, cars, and apartments. Not living in a basement with parents. ( thank you God ) Really striving to make it on their own. I got coworkers that can not say the same that are 40. So I thought why not make a project of this. So I went to researching, and got what was needed. I had 2 conditions for those 2 when I offered up to pay for what they needed to complete my rifle and theirs. Clear the dead tress from my house and built them yourself. After all it is worth nothing if you do not work for it. Took about 4 months to get things in when I caught on sale here and there. The result. Rather proud of those 2 boys.

Re: A tale of three rifles.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:36 pm
by C-dub
Sounds like a couple of good young men and all three are good looking rifles. How do they shoot? Or is that an upcoming trip to the range?

Re: A tale of three rifles.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:10 am
by Warhorse545
Mine runs like a champ. Still waiting on those 2 to coordinate a day off at the same time. Do not know whom is more excited. Me or them. But glad they built it themselves.

Re: A tale of three rifles.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:21 pm
by gthaustex
Very nice. Things that are worked for like that are treated better and appreciated much more. Awesome. :cheers2:

Re: A tale of three rifles.

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:24 am
by mot7981
Just saw this and I think it was a great idea. Everybody wins plus you have the enjoyment of putting your own projects together. There's nothing wrong with a little sweat equity and our entire country could probably benefit from a little more of it. Glad your plan worked out and sounds like it was a great success.