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Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:43 pm
by Beiruty
I bought a new buffalo classic (with a 3x9 scope). I added some Horany 325gr FTX rounds. Any one shoots this caliber? does it kick like a mule? How does it compare to a 30-06?

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-90 Goverment?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:59 pm
by AEA
Hi Beiruty! :tiphat:
I own a Marlin 1895GS Guide Gun in 45-70 but I have not shot it yet. I anticipate it to be somewhat of a "mule" with the 18" barrel.

Robert (my Son from Canada) will be here in April and as you know he is experienced with .338 Lapua so I thought I would wait till he is here to do the sighting in of the red dot sight I put on it.

We will be going out to the range near McKinney again were we met you last year. Will also be shooting a Henry H006M .357 Mag. Lever gun and possibly the AR again (if he wants to).

If you can wait that long and would like to meet us out there again, PM me your name/number and I will get in touch with you before we go out and maybe we can meet out there for a day of fun!

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:16 pm
by Beiruty
PM sent. If your rifle barrel of 18" kicks like Mule, My classic B. rifle with 34" would kick like a Buffalo!

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:37 pm
by AEA
Chatting with Robert on Skype now. He is excited to get out there again and to meet up with you again. He enjoyed your company and pointers the last time.

I will call you when he gets here and we will set a date. We'll give you plenty of notice.

I have some brand new spinner targets. Can they be used out at that range?

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:44 pm
by ELB
I fired a few rounds (dozen?) with a .45-70 Marlin 1895SS Guide Gun a couple years ago. I do not recall the recoil being anything overwhelming. Darn big rounds tho. I do not recall the specific loading of the round -- some have more oomph than others.

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:55 pm
by Beiruty
I have some brand new spinner targets. Can they be used out at that range?
It does not hurt to haul them to range and ask for permission to use them. The folks there are nice people and they will help us. Last time they were spotting our targets. Cool guys.

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:13 am
by AEA
Thanks Beiruty, I will bring them and see if we can use them. :tiphat:

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:15 am
by old farmer
ELB wrote:I fired a few rounds (dozen?) with a .45-70 Marlin 1895SS Guide Gun a couple years ago. I do not recall the recoil being anything overwhelming. Darn big rounds tho. I do not recall the specific loading of the round -- some have more oomph than others.
I have shot several hundred rounds from new to reloads. As the girlfriend said, "hold tight and enjoy the ride.". It is fun rifle to shoot. "rlol" :thewave

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:08 pm
by SRH78
I also have an 1895G. I shoot nothing but pretty warm handloads and the recoil is definitely more than a 30-06 but isn't too bad. I would imagine the recoil from factory loads would actually be fairly mild, especially from a heavier rifle.

Re: Any one shoots a rifle in 45-70 Goverment?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:20 am
by Lano
Start with the 300 grain loads. The 405 grain "cowboy" loads are not bad at all. Never, ever start with the 500 grain custom loads. She may be old. She may have the trajectory of a rainbow. She can still kick.