by Beiruty » Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:29 am
Oh I need a limbsaver on the SSG. My shoulder pocket is reddish and sore Maybe shooting some 120 rds of 300WM and 30-06 is to be blamed
One fine day in years passed we were off duty snooping in the Arms room and found some WW2 HE rifle grenades and got to inquiring about them, we found a FM on them, I had to shoot one so we got a Garand and launcher & crimped blanks from storage with our CO with us and researched it, there was a picture showing of shoulder firing, Col Fielding said it is you idea so have at it we shall watch, well after a quick read we were off to the range with medics as per regs. I loaded the grenade and pushed it all the way down for max range and chambered a blank, my target was an old fuel tank I day lighted it as told and fired from the shoulder, the back blast blew my muffs off, head cover off & safety glasses were barely still on I over shot the tank on the other side we heard a loud bang, the recoil made my 458 seem like a 22 rf, never have I felt that amount of recoil , they all were having a big laugh. I asked someone else to shoot one where I could watch, no takers, I offered to shoot another if they would no takers, I shot 1 more and got a hit, that was my recoil event, the trap door on the Garand buttstock outline was very visible in my skin.