Since then we lightened the trigger by two turns and installed a 3x9 Mil Dot AR22 Centerpoint scope on the beauty. We'll see if we can put 4/5 in the same hole tomorrow - weather permitting.
So the trigger is adjustable? (wants CZ even more ).
Since then we lightened the trigger by two turns and installed a 3x9 Mil Dot AR22 Centerpoint scope on the beauty. We'll see if we can put 4/5 in the same hole tomorrow - weather permitting.
So the trigger is adjustable? (wants CZ even more ).
Frazzled, you might ought to hurry. IMU, that the 452 is being discontinuued and is being replaced with a "new and improved" version. had 'em in stock the other day.
I too am looking for my first .22 rifle. I'm trying to decide between a Marlin 60 and a Thompson Center R55. I haven't seen anyone mention them, but I read elsewhere that they are pretty good. Everyone I know has a 10/22 so I'd like to try something different. Anybody ever use a TC?
I went with the Marlin 60 as a "value" rifle and am very happy with the results. Out of the box it was shooting 1/2 inch groups at 25 yards with the sorry excuse for a scope that was included with it. They opened up to 1.5 inches at 50 yards, but I blame that on the "optics" since I only had a blurry sight picture - could never get it to resolve well.
I haven't had the chance to try the irons since I took the scope off (and put it on my son's Crickett - see Redneck .22 laser boresighter thread), and my new scope is on its way from Amazon. I'd recommend the 60 in a heartbeat. It fed all the ammo I gave it without any hiccups (CCI Mini-Mags, Federal Bulk HV, and Winchester Xpress HV) and the only problem was that it ran dry too fast.
Can't help you with the TC R55, though.
"I don't know how that would ever be useful, but I want two!"
Springs are cheap - your gun and your life aren't.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet (haven't read all new posts in this thread), but I noticed the other day that has Winchester Wildcat regular barrel $169 and bull barrel $199. Don't know much about this rifle, but seems like a good deal (they claim MSRP is over $300 for each).
That too. I am anxiously awaiting return of my 10/22 trigger assembly from Clark Custom Guns over in Louisiana with its 2.5# trigger.
FedEx brought back my trigger assembly today. It is SWEEEET! I can now take the 10/22 out by myself without having to take someone else along to help me pull the trigger.
I see you've already purchased a Marlin, but was going to post this video for the benefit of others that might visit this thread looking for a good .22. It's from "nutnfancy" on YouTube. His SHOT show video at the Marlin booth. For what it's worth, I bought my son a little Henry .22 large-loop carbine. It's a great shooting little rifle, but I was disappointed that it had a plastic front site. I love my Henry .357 carbine though - sweet shooter, even if it's hard to load.
I'm tryin' to figure out how to get me a CZ 452 Varmint .22 LR to go with my other two. I've got the gun located, now all I need is a litlle help in locatin' the geetus to get it. Anybody?