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Re: Obama's Chief of Staff

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:49 pm
by galvestonredneck
This is the first of what I believe will be many Obama apointments that will be filled with anti-guners. He has a LOT to chose from on the fringe left. I don't worry about the cabinet as much as the judges that will still be in office when he leaves.

Do any of you remember the 90's when there would be a school shooting are anything having to do with a firearm? Bill Clinton would head stright to the press room and call for more gun control. I remember when Bush was elected after the first "public" shooting, I was so glad he just has his press guy make a statement and the statement was something to the effect "we need to get nutts off the street".

Well we have at least 4 years of shrill squaking from the left about gun control. I hope there is enough republicians and souther dem's to hold off the Brady Bunch.

Galveston Redneck

Re: Obama's Chief of Staff

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:10 pm
by Mike1951
Reading one of the CNN linked blogs last night when the chief of staff rumor was being discussed, it was encouraging to see so many BO supporters ready to criticize him over his possible selection.

The prevalent reasoning was 1.) that he was from Obama's local power base and 2.) that he is a continuation of politics as usual and certainly not they 'change' that was promised.

Re: Obama's Chief of Staff

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:25 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Rahm Emanuel is famous for saying "Republicans can go **** themselves." This is the guy Obama has picked for Chief of Staff at the culmination of campaign on which he ran as a "uniter" who would "restore a bipartisan spirit" in Congress. Well, by picking Emanuel, Obama has just signaled to congressional Republicans what he means by "bipartisan." Apparently, in the say way that the word "gay" evolved from meaning "happy" to meaning "homosexual," the word "bipartisan" has evolved from meaning "reaching across party lines" to meaning "go **** yourselves."

(Moderators, I hope I'm not overstepping the line here. I don't know how else to communicate what Emanuel said without coming dangerously near to breaking the rules. If this post does break them, please feel free to delete it; or if you have some edits to suggest to me, I am perfectly willing to change it to match your suggestions.)

Re: Obama's Chief of Staff

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:35 pm
by jimmy
I remember Emanuel as a leading participant in the anti-gun drumbeat that came out of the Clinton administration and reverberated constantly through the compliant media. The drumbeat was quietened during the Bush years. But I'm starting to hear it again. Too, too bad.