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Remember the Fallen & Pray for Our Country

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:59 pm
by Syntyr
I know there is a lot of turmoil going on right now. A lot of ups and downs. A lot of loss.

Please remember the fallen who have fought for this country and pray that we make it out the other side. Hug your family members, and try to take comfort in their arms.

We just interred a family member in Arlington National Cemetery today. It was such a beautiful day, despite the circumstances. We only get one life on this planet enjoy it and don't get too wrapped around the axle about daily tribulations.

Bless everyone!


Re: Remember the Fallen & Pray for Our Country

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:07 pm
by Jusme
Condolences for your loss.
I agree, we know not the day or the hour, when we draw our last. Political winds blow different directions, but if we keep in mind what matters most, live according to the laws of God, all things work for good in the end. Prayers for those who stand on the wall during these turbulent times.