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Warning to voters regarding mail-in ballots

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:19 am
by strogg
I was talking to a gentleman earlier, and he mentioned that he got a ballot in the mail from the Trump campaign. He was under the impression that it was a real ballot, and that all he needed to do is check the Trump box and mail it back. The ballot does NOT contain anything other than the presidential option. That is, no other state or local elected positions, state propositions, etc. The gentleman was wondering where he could fill those in. I explained to him that Denton county (where we live) does not send out mail-in/absentee ballots unless the voter asks for it specifically. I also explained that the ballot was definitely not real, and I had my doubts that it originated from the Trump campaign or any Republican campaign for that matter. It took a couple minutes, but I convinced him to go to the polls day of or preferably early voting at any early voting location in the county. If I didn't intervene, we may very have lost a voice in the election.

Please pass the word along and spread it well. The last thing we need is ballot confusion and have people think they voted when in fact they didn't. Our democracy needs to be fair and just with all voices heard, even the ones that may not agree with our positions.


Re: Warning to voters regarding mail-in ballots

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:58 am
by Flightmare
You are correct that an actual ballot would need to come from the local county election office. Many campaigns WILL send out applications for absentee ballots to seniors who could qualify for absentee voting though. An application for an absentee ballot is obviously not a ballot in itself. Thankyou for helping that gentleman out.

Re: Warning to voters regarding mail-in ballots

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:51 am
by striker55
No way I would trust the postal service with mail in ballots, why do you think the democrats want it?