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Confusion at the DPS office

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:57 pm
by Texas_Blaze
Online I was able to update my LTC with a new address. You don’t have to provide any evidence of the new address. Then had to go to DPS office to update address on DL. Again I don’t have to provide any evidence of new address. Got my temporary DL and I’m all set.

During the same visit, I also took my son with me to get his learner’s permit. They asked for proof of residency so I gave my LTC (which they accepted) and freshly printed temporary DL which was just given to me by the lady next to her moments earlier. The lady said, sorry we can’t accept the temporary DL as evidence.

They believed me enough to update address on my LTC & DL without any evidence, but then the very document (temporary DL paper) they gave me doesn’t qualify as a proof of residence.

We have some convoluted laws. I guess it’s hard to write laws that are able to capture logical reasoning completely.

Re: Confusion at the DPS office

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:38 pm
by Zombified
When I went with my father to get his license a large percentage of the people that went in were sent back out because they needed utility bills for proof of residency.

Re: Confusion at the DPS office

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:48 pm
by JustSomeOldGuy
The plastic drivers license and LTC are sent to you in the mail. Which verifies that you at least receive mail at that address. The temporary DL was handed to you at the service counter. It only verfies that you were at the service counter. ;-)