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The Clinton Affair

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:10 am
by Abraham
If so, any guesses as to why all the episodes were not in order?

The one thing I took away from it (yes, we already knew both Clintons are snakes) but, Monica is an air head even today. I thought as a very young woman she was taken advantage of by an older, super, powerful man and that's true, but it may not have happened if she wasn't terminally immature.

Over the years, the way she speaks now sounds like she'll never mature.


Did anyone here also watch it?

If so, what did you think?


Re: The Clinton Affair

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:41 am
by WildBill
I haven't watched it and don't have plans to watch it.
Yes, it is sad, but at this point I really don't care.
Old news that is not relevant anymore, IMO.

Re: The Clinton Affair

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:55 am
by puma guy
I haven't watched it in it's entirety, but one thing they covered is the epitome of irony. David Isikoff laid out the story to Newsweek editors and owners who refused to run the story citing they couldn't be responsible for bringing down the President. Now MSM's main goal is to do exactly that, but now they're more than willing to use lies to do it.

Re: The Clinton Affair

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:37 pm
by rtschl
I did watch - very one sided and blaming republicans that were out to get Clinton. They even try to smear Brett Kavanaugh as he worked for Ken Starr in the Office of Independent Counsel. They trivialized Clinton's subornation of perjury. But they did get the story right about how that information is what turned the investigation from Whitewater at the OIC and was considered the most serious offense that was impeachable. But I still think they downplayed it. There were very few republican and/or conservatives that were interviewed for this and when they were - very short and mostly when it helped the narrative they were pushing.

I will say that this has always been the narrative of the left and media and they stuck to it. However it did give glimpses of admitting some of the wrongs by Clinton about his treatment of women. This is probably because we are in the middle of the MeToo movement and it would have been disastrous for them to go after the women who have accused Clinton - as they have in the past. I was surprised that it was actually somewhat sympathetic to Paula Jones, Kathleen Wiley and Juanita Broaddrick.