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Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:43 pm
by Abraham
Roughly 60 years ago, for the very brief time I lived with my Mother, she would make raw hamburger sandwiches with only a slice of raw onion, salt and pepper.
I was repulsed.
One day, I inexplicably asked for a bite. I don't what motivated me except maybe her enthusiasm for this kind of sandwich.
I was instantly hooked. It was great!
I wish I could be assured raw hamburger or even some other type beef (steak?) could be eaten tartare like.
Anyone know of a trusted source for eating beef raw? (it's outstanding, but then I like lots of raw seafood, so beef isn't much of a stretch...
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:45 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
I would not do that with pre-ground meat. What would be very safe is to buy a good steak and grind your own.
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:46 pm
by John Galt
Never, and don't plan on it.
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:14 pm
by cirus
Raw ground beef is unsafe because of human contamination. The only way I would eat it raw would be to get a steak and sear it for about a minute on each side to kill everything then grind it. I'm only eating raw ground meat if there's nothing else.
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:22 pm
by Abraham
Was pre-ground raw hamburger safer in the mid fifties or was she just lucky it didn't make her sick?
Or me for that matter, as I ate a number of these sandwiches once I ate a bite and we never go sick.
I wouldn't dream of it today, but I'll be discussing this with a butcher in the near future. Maybe he'll know what's now safe or not...
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:37 pm
by rotor
Listeria, E.coli, Salmonella. All can kill you. Prior to pasteurization of milk it was tuberculosis. You take your chances when you eat raw meat. I love oysters but I am afraid to eat raw oysters nowadays. Can't get a good hamburger at a restaurant nowadays as they are all overcooked for my taste. As a youngster I went to an Oscar Meyer slaughter house in Southern California. I still eat hot dogs but I cook them good. I think for most people it's what you don't know won't hurt you.
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:42 pm
by der Teufel
John Galt wrote: ↑Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:46 pm
Never, and don't plan on it.
Interesting, but I'm with Mr. Galt on this one. Eating raw beef of any sort is nowhere on my list of things to do.
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:07 pm
by Abraham
Wish I'd thunk of it when I used to hunt and kill deer. Mmmmmhhh, raw back strap. Talk about fresh, uncontaminated and when I dressed them I did with so rubber gloves on, no contamination.
No, deer is not beef, but it's a herbivore with a great flavor.
Closest thing I get to gamey nowadays is lamb.
I love gamey flavored meat, but it's not for everyone.
Most of us Mericans want stoh-bought, pre-packed...everything...
Come to think of it, I could buy a small heifer, kill, butcher it myself, then I could go all Hannibal Lecter...
Whoops, ok, ok, didn't mean to upset ya'lls digestive sensitivity. (cough, cough, wimps...)
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:20 pm
by Beiruty
In Lebanon we have a special dish of raw meat (usually lamb ribeye). It is pounded in a carved rock. Then, seasoned with non-hot spices and some Mentha longifolia (horse mint), called Habak in Lebanon.
It is made immediately after the animal is slaughtered. Usually, the early morning of a Holiday.
More info:
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:31 pm
by Abraham
That looks delicious. I'd jump on it. I see the raw onion too, which goes very well with raw, red meat.
Americans are squeamish even when contamination is not a consideration when it comes to the category of food they're not familiar with...not knowing bacon and eggs would make some in the world nauseated.
OK, anyone ever eat raw fish you've caught?
Make your own sushi?
Ok, ever taken the roe out of fresh caught specks and deep fat fried them with Fish Fry corn meal?
Tremendously tasty, kinda like fish flavored cheetos in texture.
I digress.
If reluctant to try (if assuredly uncontaminated) raw beef, is there anything you eat raw besides apples, carrots, etc.
The more I post on this the more I get thinking perhaps, I could pot a few small game critters like rabbit or squirrel and get my raw meat hankerin satisfied.
Or, am I the only raw meat aficionado, beside Beiruty and his fellow raw meat eaters?
P.S. I think the bug that bit me regarding the eating of raw meat is even earlier than 'cannibal/hannibal' sandwiches when I ate raw, free ranging scallops I harvested diving for them sans wet suit, mask, fins, and snorkel when I lived for a very short time in Cape Cod as a small kid (11 years old). The water was a brisk 70 degrees Fahrenheit, but I still collected half a bushel by hand. No mask, blurry vision in cold, salt water, but well enough to see the scallops. Yes, I remember it as I've never been as cold since...even when diving off the coast of Venezuela (before the commies took power) with full wet suit, gloves, and head gear.
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:34 pm
by philip964
Had steak tar tar at some swanky Hollywood restaurant with a gormet client one time. Does that count?
Not something I would do again.
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:45 pm
by rotor
My family is from Austria and Poland, no we didn't eat raw meat but if I told you what we did eat you would probably rush out of the room. Those delicacies are still near and dear to my stomach and my wife has even taken a liking to some of them (but not most). I don't think any part of an animal was discarded from the diet of poor Europeans. But never raw. Cooked fish roe were a delicacy too.Tongue, sweetbreads, heart, lung, you name it and we ate it. I wish I had grandma's old recipes too.
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:51 pm
by WildBill
Abraham wrote: ↑Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:22 pm
Was pre-ground raw hamburger safer in the mid fifties or was she just lucky it didn't make her sick?
Or me for that matter, as I ate a number of these sandwiches once I ate a bite and we never go sick.
I wouldn't dream of it today, but I'll be discussing this with a butcher in the near future. Maybe he'll know what's now safe or not...
I have eaten it before, but not recently. I would not eat raw ground beef, or any wild game meat.
A long time ago I did have some raw horse meat while in Japan. It was pretty good.
If I were to make it at home I would buy a 44 Farms steak and make tartare or carpaccio.
There is a new meat market Cold Stone Meats in League City that sells 44 Farms meat.
Their meat is much more expensive than any of the local grocery stores.
There are recipes on-line and also restaurants in Houston that have them on the menu. ... 712994.php
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:56 pm
by Abraham
Yes, it counts, but I'm sorry you didn't care for it.
My guess is you had a built in reluctance factor.
Understandable, you're an American with the American attitude of 'holy mak-el Andy, we gonna eat that, it'll make us sick' when it won't.
Getting Americans to even try or consider something that isn't bland, though 'mountain oysters' even though rather bland is a huge stretch for some.
BTW, even turkey fries I find delicious, or beef or ....they're all good, I do prefer them 'fried'.
Brains, not being a zombie, I find gelatinous and not something I'm overly fond of, but will eat them in Menudo.
Years back, on the first leg of a business trip landing in Monterrey, Mexico in ye old company jet, a group of us were treated to lunch of cabrito.
Our host, insisted our metallurgist eat the eye out of the whole roasted critter served as our lunch. He, our guy, apparently thought himself the butt of a bad gustatory joke. He refused this kind offer whereupon our host dug one out of the skull, popped into his mouth and exclaimed ecstasy.
I didn't volunteer to eat it as I didn't want to make our guy look weak...
Re: Ever Eaten Raw Beef?
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 5:01 pm
by Abraham
Honestly, I doubt it. I love tongue, and other parts most Americans would turn their noses
Beyond liver, kidneys, sweetbreads, I'm in. Though, I'm not turned off by tripe, I don't care for it's texture.
Some folks, aren't aware of intestines as casings for sausage and if they knew, they'd probably run away, never to eat sausage again.
Thank you , thank you, I'll be going there soon.