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Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 2:20 pm
by Abraham
I do, but I don't where to buy it for me to cook.
Yeah, I know I can buy it live and kicking, but my days of dressing animals is over.
My back won't take the necessary bending over to do it right.
So, who sells it already butchered in the Houston/Galveston area?
Anyone know?
Oh, if it's new to you, it's great tasting stuff. To me, better than beef. Richer tasting.
Last time I had it was in an obscure town in Mexico at a restaurant with a posted AK47 aremed guard in the parking lot. No cartels then, just locals kept out as this was considered an upscale eatery in this particular town. I was there on business looking at a local foundry that would make line pipe for us.
Of course, I like lamb too, but lamb is definitely to me at least, a bit gamier, which I like.
In fact, having some tonight.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 2:28 pm
by PriestTheRunner
Buy live and take to a deer processor. Same thing with sheep.
It brings the costs up, but your only other option is to go to the Middle-East/Near East sections of town and (sometimes) buy there.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 2:41 pm
by ElGallo
I just thinking the same thing. I'd like to buy some to cook for my mom. Best Cabrito I've had was in Matamoros, Mexico.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 2:59 pm
by Abraham
That's a good tip as I know where a Halal butcher shop is located.
Do you eat the eyes?
Yeah, I know to the uninitiated this sounds gross, but it isn't.
Our metallurgist was encouraged to do this when we were served an entire cabrito, head and all. He demurred. Our host, plucked em both out and ate them with obvious enjoyment.
Had I been thinking, I'dve gone for the tongue...
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:14 pm
by Beiruty
Cheek are the best, however, there are fat and glands all around. Pick the softest meat and it is melting.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:15 pm
by Beiruty
I do, upto 40 lbs they are excellent.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:30 pm
by WildBill
Abraham - I am not sure where you live, but you might try Bismillah Grocer & Halal Meat in Webster.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:32 pm
by Abraham
Americans, the untraveled for the most part, aren't exposed to some of the best eating.
I'm an adventurous eater, though to be sure, goat (at least to me) isn't adventurous, but some of us in the U.S. might think so and not enjoy some great carnivorous eating.
One of the first things I ate that seemed adventurous was a raw scallop. I was 8 or so. I found it ok, but I was a kid. Oysters raw, I now avoid because of the potential for vibrio, but fried or otherwise cooked, oh yeah.
I moved on to alligator, rattlesnake and snails. All great eating.
I'd like to try the various grasshoppers, ants from Mexico and a whole host of other meats, like Cape Buffalo and Thompson's gazelle.
Of course, I've eaten a ton of white tail I killed myself along with feral pigs (in my back yard) elk, (as a gift along with Caribou) but there's a lot of good stuff out there. And let's not forget birds: Mourning dove, Bobwhite quail, Ducks and Geese of all sorts. While I've not eaten them, I understand Robins are good eating.
I gotta stop. I'm now hungry and must chow down on some lamb.
Thanks, exactly where I was thinking.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:41 pm
by J.R.@A&M
ElGallo wrote:I just thinking the same thing. I'd like to buy some to cook for my mom. Best Cabrito I've had was in Matamoros, Mexico.
The best cabrito I ever had wasn't really terrific... it was just better than the worst cabrito I ever had. On the streets of either Matamoros or Monterrey. Anyway, I never figured out whether the variation was due to the chef or the specimen.
I prefer sheep kabobs, but only the way they spice and grill it on the other side of the world.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:42 pm
by LeonCarr
My Mom is a Cajun and my Dad is from West Texas. If it walks, runs, digs a hole or swims in the lower 48 I have probably eaten it :).
Cabrito done right is a delicacy, as in grab one of the bones, shake it, and the meat just falls off. Done wrong, and you can use the stringy overcooked meat as laces for your boots.
There is a great Lebanese restaurant in Arlington (Prince's Lebanese Grill, featured on Guy Fieri's show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives) that serves excellent Lamb.
Just my .02,
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:43 pm
by WildBill
Abraham wrote:
Thanks, exactly where I was thinking.
Their selection of meats is not very consistent, so you should probably call first.
The best Cabrito I had was in Monterey Mexico.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:58 pm
by JakeTheSnake
Cabrito all around SA. Definitely depends on the cook.
Had some Oryx the other day a friend bagged, that was a surprise. Very lean, but still juicy.
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:09 pm
by flechero
All the Spanish markets around me have it... don't buy it from a gringo!
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:11 pm
by flechero
Since you mentioned game- axis deer is some of the best meat on earth. Properly handled in the field, it's very hard to beat!
Re: Who Eats Baby Goat Or Also Known As Cabrito?
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:15 pm
by RoyGBiv
There are many Carneterias in the Fort Worth area. I'd be surprised if you couldn't find it here.
Please invite me for leftover disposal.
Me gusto cabra. Mucho.