Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:12 am
The focal point for Texas firearms information and discussions
I just signed it.Bitter Clinger wrote:I just signed the petition to Governor Greg Abbott to bind our electoral college to popular vote:
https://www.change.org/p/govenor-greg-a ... pular-vote?
I have read that more than once that Texas never has...The Annoyed Man wrote:I heard somewhere that this would be the first time that Texas has had a faithless elector. Is that true?
Because he is a native New Yorker I wonder if there may be something in his background where he has had bad experience with Trump, Inc. Or because he's a New Yorker he just believes that what he thinks is the right thing for everyone else.crazy2medic wrote:Signed!
He seems to think he knows what's best for the rest of us, that alone makes me angry!
Nope. That is a horrible idea. There is a VERY GOOD REASON for the existence of the electoral college.der Teufel wrote:OTOH, the electors do have the authority to vote for whomever they please according to whatever principles or beliefs they may hold. Otherwise, why do we have the Electoral College? Why not just automatically assign the electoral vote of the the state to the winning candidate and skip the Electoral College vote completely?
Personally, that's my preference. Skip the Electoral College shenanigans and just declare that the winning candidate gets the votes. Done!