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Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:36 am
by Abraham
On "Bizarre Foods" the host, Andrew Zimmern touted the merits of eating meat, any meat.
He helped cook a coyote and exclaimed how delicious it tasted.
He went to explain that meat is meat is meat and coyotes shouldn't be left to rot after being shot, but should be processed and eaten.
I've eaten some bizarre food, but I don't know if I'm adventurous enough to eat coyote.
Any of you ever eaten coyote and if so, please tell me how it tasted, texture of the meat, etc.
P.S. I killed a Javelina once, processed it and found the meat inedible. The only time I just couldn't eat something I harvested.
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:59 am
by flechero
Javelina can be good, if you properly remove their musk glands first- otherwise it makes an athletes foot infested sock smell appealing!! I have 2 friends that tried (repeatedly) coyote. Both said marinating the backstops in OJ helped. I opted not to try the coyote. Neither said it was "great" but both said it was ok.
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:00 am
by suthdj
We're talking Andrew Zimmerman here he eats all kinds of stuff i would never think of. But no i never have.
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:16 am
by Abraham
Some of the bizarre things Andrew Zimmern eats appeal to me, like certain kinds of bugs and offal.
I like escargot, which are snails with garlicky butter. Escargot with crusty French bread is a real treat.
His stance or philosophy about meat is meat is meat is a bit off as you can, if you're susceptible (3-5% of the human race) contract leprosy from eating leprosy infected armadillo.
I saw one episode and sure enough he ate armadillo. Dumb.
Plus, if meat is meat is meat, which I don't agree with, would approve cannibalism. Yuck!
O.K. I'm off on a tangent, back to Coyotes.
Ever eaten one?
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:40 am
by Oldgringo
Not that I know of.....

Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:51 am
by twomillenium
Not on purpose.
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:54 am
by puma guy
I've eaten rattlesnake, possum, racoon and more than my share of crow.

Never had coyote.
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 9:19 am
by Take Down Sicko
Did it taste like chicken?
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 9:37 am
by rbwhatever1
I might have to try one. All the Coyotes around here are marinated at my free range pastured chicken buffet...
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:23 pm
by puma guy
Take Down Sicko wrote:Did it taste like chicken?
The crow or the other meats?

The rattlesnake had sort of a neutral flavor, so I guess the closest thing would be chicken with fish bones. The possum tasted just like you'd think possum taste and the racoon tasted like greasy possum.
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:27 pm
by der Teufel
I hope I never get that hungry . . .
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:38 pm
by Skiprr
Having lived in southeast Asia for a number of years, I've tried everything from fertilized-and-maturing chicken embryos, to water-buffalo testes, to roasted rice-field crickets, to monkey brains.
As I grew older, I became, er, much less gustatorily adventurous.
Those are some of my only regrets from my earlier days...
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:49 pm
by Take Down Sicko
I meant the coyote. If it taste like chicken i still wont eat it.
Re: Have You Ever Eaten Coyote?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 6:11 pm
by pushpullpete
Oldgringo wrote:Not that I know of.....

I have watched people at a potluck dinner eat & rave about the 'grilled chicken' only to get violently ill when they found out they were eating rattlesnake. It's mostly our own thoughts & beliefs that influence our tendency to limit the meats we eat.
ANY meat, as said by
flechero, can taste good when properly processed and cooked. ANY meat.
ps: to the best of my knowledge I am not a cannibal