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Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:53 pm
by CHLLady
The first Red Dawn movie with Patrick Swayze is WAY better than the new Red Dawn movie. We took them to see the re-make a while back, while Dad and I were very disappointed, my kids thought it was great. We tried to explain WHY the original one was so much better, but they would not even consider the idea of an ancient dinosaur era movie being better. Lol! I meant to buy the DVD, but forgot. Conveniently it came on tv yesterday, so I recorded it for us to watch as a family last night. They agreed!

My older daughter said she liked it because the girls were actively involved in the revenge scenes. And of course her being a fan of shooting, she was impressed with their transformation from being scared to using heavy duty guns etc.
I had forgotten what a moving movie it was. I cry at the end every time. I believe it has to be one of my favorite movies of my childhood. Of course Star Wars has to be in first place.
Ladies, have you seen C. Thomas Howell lately? Omg, I'm so Shocked by his transformation! At least it's not as bad as seeing Leif Garrett! Now that's a tragedy! Lol.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:17 pm
by strider67
Agreed. Never saw and had no desire to see the remake ever since seeing the first trailer. Now the new Robocop I'm interested in...
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:25 pm
by jimlongley
Watched about 5 minutes of the retread and dumped it.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:03 am
by MadMonkey
I enjoyed the new one very much. Not as good as the original though.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:14 am
by jmra
I really don't think it is a fair comparison. The first movie was set in a time where the concept that our soil could be invaded by a large military force was not considered by the general population as far fetched as it is today.
The problem with the remake is the lack of an enemy that the general public fears.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:45 pm
by O6nop
I was disappointed in the blood drinking ritual in the second movie. Aside from that, the first one was in the middle of nowhere, the second was mostly urban settings.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:06 pm
by Shoot Straight
jmra wrote:I really don't think it is a fair comparison.
I disagree. Anybody who chooses to remake a movie should expect it to be compared to the original and if it doesn't measure up, they deserve more criticism rather than less. A bad remake of The Breakfast Club would deserve more scorn than some random bad teen movie.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:23 pm
by jmra
Shoot Straight wrote:jmra wrote:I really don't think it is a fair comparison.
I disagree. Anybody who chooses to remake a movie should expect it to be compared to the original and if it doesn't measure up, they deserve more criticism rather than less. A bad remake of The Breakfast Club would deserve more scorn than some random bad teen movie.
Then I guess we disagree.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:02 am
by CHLLady
I thought the 2nd movie had a very plausible story line. My beef was with the actors and characters. There was not the bonding to the character as there was in the first one, no connection, not as much rooting for the good guy feeling as there was in the first. I felt like the movie was made around the lead actor and his brother was an odd match. I kept waiting for the girls to show their stuff, but was disappointed. As my daughter said, she connected to the girls in the first movie. IMHO
Oh great movie Shoot Straight! I need to get that one also to show my daughter.

And totally agree, no remake of that one.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:03 am
by JSThane
I saw the Red Dawn Remake before my wife did, and I kinda went o_O at some of the stuff in it that didn't make sense. But I shrugged it off, and figured "It's a movie, meh."
My wife saw the opening portion of the RDR over Thanksgiving while at our relatives' house. We had to go for a walk... half the walk was spent with her spluttering over the North Koreans somehow having the resources to invade (they don't), over the North Koreans using American equipment, trucks, etc (they don't), or the idea that a bunch of invaders of any stripe could attack anywhere along the coast with -paratroopers- and not get blasted out of the sky! Even in liberal urban areas like Seattle, Portland, or LA, there's guns, and lots of them (even if they may not be legal).
And finally, there was spluttering that the rest of the US just rolled over and let the NKs have the western seaboard. I'm sorry, but even if the military were totally beaten, the people of the US outgun pretty much any military in the world, at least in terms of small-arms. There ain't no way NK would keep their conquest THAT quietly.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:53 pm
by OldCurlyWolf
JSThane wrote:I saw the Red Dawn Remake before my wife did, and I kinda went o_O at some of the stuff in it that didn't make sense. But I shrugged it off, and figured "It's a movie, meh."
My wife saw the opening portion of the RDR over Thanksgiving while at our relatives' house. We had to go for a walk... half the walk was spent with her spluttering over the North Koreans somehow having the resources to invade (they don't), over the North Koreans using American equipment, trucks, etc (they don't), or the idea that a bunch of invaders of any stripe could attack anywhere along the coast with -paratroopers- and not get blasted out of the sky! Even in liberal urban areas like Seattle, Portland, or LA, there's guns, and lots of them (even if they may not be legal).
And finally, there was spluttering that the rest of the US just rolled over and let the NKs have the western seaboard. I'm sorry, but even if the military were totally beaten, the people of the US outgun pretty much any military in the world, at least in terms of small-arms. There ain't no way NK would keep their conquest THAT quietly.

Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:38 pm
by jmra
JSThane wrote:I saw the Red Dawn Remake before my wife did, and I kinda went o_O at some of the stuff in it that didn't make sense. But I shrugged it off, and figured "It's a movie, meh."
My wife saw the opening portion of the RDR over Thanksgiving while at our relatives' house. We had to go for a walk... half the walk was spent with her spluttering over the North Koreans somehow having the resources to invade (they don't), over the North Koreans using American equipment, trucks, etc (they don't), or the idea that a bunch of invaders of any stripe could attack anywhere along the coast with -paratroopers- and not get blasted out of the sky! Even in liberal urban areas like Seattle, Portland, or LA, there's guns, and lots of them (even if they may not be legal).
And finally, there was spluttering that the rest of the US just rolled over and let the NKs have the western seaboard. I'm sorry, but even if the military were totally beaten, the people of the US outgun pretty much any military in the world, at least in terms of small-arms. There ain't no way NK would keep their conquest THAT quietly.
So I take it she didn't believe the movie had a "plausible story line".

Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:12 pm
by Oldgringo
If they liked "RED DAWN", let 'em see "TAPS" with a young Tom Cruise and Sean Penn, et al.
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:47 pm
by gringo pistolero
Oldgringo wrote:If they liked "RED DAWN", let 'em see "TAPS" with a young Tom Cruise and Sean Penn, et al.
How about a double feature of Risky Business and Fast Times at Ridgemont High?