Holster? Where? Oh yeah the holster, had to watch it 3 times before I saw it. may have to go watch it again!
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:03 pm
by mrvmax
I would be leery about using that, I would have to do some testing. Just thinking about it, I think if you failed to push down all the way or not pull the pistol out fast enough you might get a round hung up or not load, then you are in trouble. I think that holster is unnecessary and has the ability to cause more problems than it solves.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:12 pm
by MadMonkey
Ehh... solution to a non-existent problem IMHO. Carry a round chambered in a Glock (or any other firearm without a manual safety) and you won't need that. Could be useful for Israeli law enforcement I guess
I'd rather go with simplicity and practice releasing the safety as I draw.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:35 pm
MadMonkey wrote:Ehh... solution to a non-existent problem IMHO. Carry a round chambered in a Glock (or any other firearm without a manual safety) and you won't need that. Could be useful for Israeli law enforcement I guess
I'd rather go with simplicity and practice releasing the safety as I draw.
Non-existing maybe for you. My understanding is that some countries require police to carry un-chambered. Spain where this holster was developed might be one. I also believe that US military have the same restrictions. This holster IS a solution to an EXISTING problem.
It might also be a solution to those who are afraid to carry chambered.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:35 pm
by JeepGuy79
mossad carries in condition 3... maybe they should look into these. Although I doubt any of their ops need such a holster. I agree with above it solves the problem no one had. carry a glock (or similar) if you want safe carry without a safety.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:44 pm
by C-dub
They have one for Glocks, but it's strange looking because most of the gun is exposed. They only part it really covers is the slide and they "unholstering" motion is just downward that also racks the slide. I wonder if something like that would be acceptable for use in IDPA?
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:41 am
by threoh8
Didn't Bianchi once offer a holster for the M1911 that had a step for racking the slide? Maybe the model 66?
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:44 am
by MoJo
threoh8 wrote:Didn't Bianchi once offer a holster for the M1911 that had a step for racking the slide? Maybe the model 66?
The WWI - Vietnam M1916 holster was set up that way.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:53 am
by jimlongley
MoJo wrote:
threoh8 wrote:Didn't Bianchi once offer a holster for the M1911 that had a step for racking the slide? Maybe the model 66?
The WWI - Vietnam M1916 holster was set up that way.
I have an original M1916 (WWII era) and a reproduction, and neither one of them is "set up that way." The prevailing legend that you could rack the slide. and that it was designed to do that, has to do with the lump sewn in the inside of the holster which served to keep it from collapsing entirely when there was no gun in it and as a support at the trigger guard to position the gun properly.
You could, conceivably since I have seen it done in a few places, swivel the gun sideways as you were drawing it, and snag the front sight or the slide on that lump and rack the slide with a downstroke, but I have also seen as many demonstrations of how dangerous it is to do such a thing with a gun that has a manual safety that can't be engaged while the slide is being racked.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:38 pm
by MoJo
jimlongley wrote:
MoJo wrote:
threoh8 wrote:Didn't Bianchi once offer a holster for the M1911 that had a step for racking the slide? Maybe the model 66?
The WWI - Vietnam M1916 holster was set up that way.
I have an original M1916 (WWII era) and a reproduction, and neither one of them is "set up that way." The prevailing legend that you could rack the slide. and that it was designed to do that, has to do with the lump sewn in the inside of the holster which served to keep it from collapsing entirely when there was no gun in it and as a support at the trigger guard to position the gun properly.
You could, conceivably since I have seen it done in a few places, swivel the gun sideways as you were drawing it, and snag the front sight or the slide on that lump and rack the slide with a downstroke, but I have also seen as many demonstrations of how dangerous it is to do such a thing with a gun that has a manual safety that can't be engaged while the slide is being racked.
My bad on that, I was just passing on what the pistol instructors in Infantry AIT told us way back in nineteen ought sixty seven. I never tried it since I never carried a .45 while in the Army.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:56 pm
by Dave2
Not bad. Better than the Russian version I saw a while back... On that one you pushed the gun through the holster in, what looked to me anyway, a very awkward movement.
If we're going to make overly complicated holsters to solve non-existent problems, though, I think I'd rather just holster the gun with the slide locked back, a fresh mag inserted, and have the holster trip the slide release as you draw the gun.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:10 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Get a simple holster. Learn to use it. I can appreciate that in some of the EuroCommie countries, cops can't carry with a round in the chamber, but that has more to do with their ignorance about guns than it does with any perceived inherent lack of safety while carrying with one in the chamber. A holster that complicated is just begging for something to go wrong on the draw stroke and getting the carrier killed by his/her opponent.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:16 pm
by WildBill
The Annoyed Man wrote:Get a simple holster. Learn to use it. I can appreciate that in some of the EuroCommie countries, cops can't carry with a round in the chamber, but that has more to do with their ignorance about guns than it does with any perceived inherent lack of safety while carrying with one in the chamber. A holster that complicated is just begging for something to go wrong on the draw stroke and getting the carrier killed by his/her opponent.
Or killing themself.
Re: Automatic Holster
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:18 pm
by JeepGuy79
My favorite thing about the video is that they use a SA/DA USP for demo. Like you could accidentally pull that 4" pull 12+lb trigger on that USP with the hammer down. Watch the video it isn't even a LEM trigger on it. It's dumb. I don't see the point?
I also don't get the motorcycle drive-by? How often do they need to do that?