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Re: Weeeee!!

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:58 pm
by jimlongley
I have a dog which might try that, more than one for that matter.

That dog's lucky he didn't jump a couple of seconds earlier, he might have nailed that pole.

I let the dogs out every morning while I am filling their food dishes, and close the dog door. The Ridgeback runs out and then turns right back and stands there poking the door to see if it's open yet. When I eventually open the door, she is always the first in, and our crazy Cocker Spaniel usually comes in tumbling between the Ridgeback's legs. The Cocker has bad knees in her hind legs but the daily tumbles don't seem to bother her any, she just scrambles up and heads for her crate where her food dish awaits.

Re: Weeeee!!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:08 am
by bdickens
Man, that dog is lucky!

We either keep our dogs in their crates in the back of my wife's truck when we travel with them or we keep the windows up if they're in my car.