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El Paso, TX: Ewwww....

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 4:05 pm
by ELB
‘Blood was pouring down’: El Paso woman woke up to blood dripping from her apartment ceiling

Guy upstairs was dead for about a week when about 0400 "blood" (and I presume other bodily fluids) made its way through the floor, down the ceiling fan mount, and along the fan blades (apparently while it was operating) splashing blood on the walls and the downstairs tenant -- which woke her up.


Re: El Paso, TX: Ewwww....

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 4:38 pm
by Rafe
That's a Stephen King short story right there. :shock:

Re: El Paso, TX: Ewwww....

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 9:18 pm
by powerboatr
ommmmmmhhhh ewwww thats a picture

we had a guy here a few years back that refused to cut his grass or answer his door
court finally ordered a grass cutting after several months....when process servers went to his door, no answer, but dogs were going crazy and busted open door, process server ran for his life. deputies arrived to gather up dogs...
this is the gross part

dude was found dead as doornail and OOOZZIZNG down his recliner worms and crap, .dogs had even started to get sick

dogs were using doggie door to go out and thats the only thing they suspect that kept them from eating the dead guy

it was nasty

Re: El Paso, TX: Ewwww....

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 10:30 pm
by JustSomeOldGuy
"The Tell-Tale Ceiling Fan", a modern Edgar Allan Poe story..... ;-)

Re: El Paso, TX: Ewwww....

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 7:58 am
by crazy2medic
Called to assist P.D.
Arrive at the call and 4 officers standing in the front yard, they tell me as I step off the Engine "we think this guy dead, need you to confirm it" so I walk around to the back of the house and the big plate glass window to the bedroom is FILLED with blowflies, and the faint odor of dead human! Told the patrol Sargeant Yup he's dead! They then borrowed our airpaks to go in a determine if it was a crime scene