Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona

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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by bnc »

74novaman wrote:
baldeagle wrote:I think the classical way of defining political systems is completely wrong. Both communism and facism are totalitarian systems. So I think it is incorrect to call fascism a "right side" system and communism a "left side" system. I believe a better way of defining political systems is from anarchy on the right to totalitarianism on the left. Somewhere in the middle is where I would put democracy and to the right of that a republic (which is what America is supposed to be.)
Amen!!! :clapping:

During the 30s, the most common party switch to make in Germany was not from Communist to Social Democrat, or Nazi to Social Democrat, but Communist party to Nazi party and back. Why? because they had the same goals!

The attempts to paint the Nazis as far right wingers are incredibly off base. They and the communists wanted the exact same things...Authoritarian control of the govt.

I'm with bald eagle. To me, it is incredibly misleading and ignorant to paint the spectrum this way:


If you're going to insist on linear, this is my take. From Authoritarian on the left to no govt on the right.


Though a 2 axis description is far more valuable. I love this guys explaination:

Sorry for the rant, but Nazis as "right wingers" is one of my biggest pet peeves.
I think the whole concept of right and left is false.

There are only two ways for humans to interact with one another: cooperation or coercion. You can either peacefully get along, agree and negotiate, do things voluntarily, and not force others or be forced. Or, you can initiate force, or the threat thereof, to get others to bend to your will, or have the same done to you. Whether that force is called totalitarian, or socialist, or communist, or fascist, or Tsarist, or collectivist, or cultural, or pious, or by a majority rule, or by any other name is of little consequence. I doubt the prisoners of the gulag comforted themselves by knowing that at least the concentration camps where they were enslaved and died were communist death camps rather than the fascist death camps a bit to the west (or the other communist ones farther east). The end result is the same.

So, when encountered with a social system, the key feature is the extent to which some are forced by others. Can individuals peacefully abstain from a particular policy without official punishment? Can I engage in activity with others when all parties involved do so voluntarily? Am I free to go?

Bringing up his reading list is interesting. In order to draw conclusions from it you would need to know his opinions on them, why he liked or didn't like them, etc. I'd hate to be judged on my bookshelf without being able to explain it, granted, it would be pretty hard to figure me out if that were to happen (plenty of polar opposites on my shelves).

I think it is clear that he was just a miserable wretch of a person and took it out on others. I don't think that the type of ideology he may hide behind is terribly important as it does not change the physical attacks he carried out on innocent others. Killing someone who does not want to die out of hatred is no different than doing so out of some sort of "love".
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by terryg »

At risk of throwing this thread more off topic, I like this video description:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by philip964 »

The gun control legislation is starting already" onclick=";return false;

Like the Virginia Tech shooting, the deranged individual was allowed to purchase a gun, because he had not been convicted of a serious crime "yet" and had not been officially been labeled "crazy". But, unlike the Virginia Tech shooting, this guy was not in a "gun free zone". Arizona does not permit concealed carry without a permit. I suspect he was in violation of that law at least.

Had it been a gun free zone, we could have said "so see there", no one could defend themselves. But here it was Arizona, lots of people have guns in Arizona and they allow concealed carry.

What is the solution? We don't have "precrime" yet. You can't arrest someone until they really commit a crime. These deranged people like to make their first crime a big one.

We can blame his parents, but that does not do much good. He was an adult, but of course like all parents they supported him, gave him an nice allowance so he could buy a gun. And looked the other way at his increasingly bizarre actions and hoped he would grow out of it. Just like the Columbine High School parents, they never looked in his room.

Pass a urine test before you buy a gun. Seemed to work for the military, they figured out he was no good when he applied.

We need to come up with something, because if the people from New York come up with it first, we may not like their solution very much.
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by terryg »

philip964 wrote: Arizona does not permit concealed carry without a permit.
That's not true - they changed the law recently allowing CC without a permit.
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by texanron » ... o-trouble/

Article on shooter passing background check.
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by dicion »

philip964 wrote:The gun control legislation is starting already" onclick=";return false;

Like the Virginia Tech shooting, the deranged individual was allowed to purchase a gun, because he had not been convicted of a serious crime "yet" and had not been officially been labeled "crazy". But, unlike the Virginia Tech shooting, this guy was not in a "gun free zone". Arizona does not permit concealed carry without a permit. I suspect he was in violation of that law at least.

Had it been a gun free zone, we could have said "so see there", no one could defend themselves. But here it was Arizona, lots of people have guns in Arizona and they allow concealed carry.

What is the solution? We don't have "precrime" yet. You can't arrest someone until they really commit a crime. These deranged people like to make their first crime a big one.

We can blame his parents, but that does not do much good. He was an adult, but of course like all parents they supported him, gave him an nice allowance so he could buy a gun. And looked the other way at his increasingly bizarre actions and hoped he would grow out of it. Just like the Columbine High School parents, they never looked in his room.

Pass a urine test before you buy a gun. Seemed to work for the military, they figured out he was no good when he applied.

We need to come up with something, because if the people from New York come up with it first, we may not like their solution very much.
The solution is to fix the Justice system so serious criminal trials are done quickly, but fairly and don't take 5 years to see through completion because of endless delays. The whole 'right to a speedy trial' is constantly being 'stretched', if not outright violated.

Stop clogging the courts with things that shouldn't be crimes, and leave more room for quicker processing of real crimes.

.. then again, I could just be mad because I have to go back to court in April again for the 4th time, for a ticket from 2 years ago because it keeps getting reschedueled because I won't cave and plea, but would rather trial it out, because In an actual trial, I would have the law on my side. :mad5
(Summary: I was ticketed in a collision, while the other driver was not. I was ticketed for failure to yield ROW, yet, the other driver was in the process of committing a moving violation at the time of the collision, and did _not_ have the right of way, and I should not have been ticketed for failing to yield ROW to someone who doesn't have ROW....)

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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by philip964 »

terryg wrote:
philip964 wrote: Arizona does not permit concealed carry without a permit.
That's not true - they changed the law recently allowing CC without a permit.
Well so much for typing "gun laws Arizona" in google as my research.

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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by Bullwhip »

bnc wrote:I think the whole concept of right and left is false.

There are only two ways for humans to interact with one another: cooperation or coercion. You can either peacefully get along, agree and negotiate, do things voluntarily, and not force others or be forced. Or, you can initiate force, or the threat thereof, to get others to bend to your will, or have the same done to you. Whether that force is called totalitarian, or socialist, or communist, or fascist, or Tsarist, or collectivist, or cultural, or pious, or by a majority rule, or by any other name is of little consequence. I doubt the prisoners of the gulag comforted themselves by knowing that at least the concentration camps where they were enslaved and died were communist death camps rather than the fascist death camps a bit to the west (or the other communist ones farther east). The end result is the same.

So, when encountered with a social system, the key feature is the extent to which some are forced by others. Can individuals peacefully abstain from a particular policy without official punishment? Can I engage in activity with others when all parties involved do so voluntarily? Am I free to go?
Who are you and why are you inside my head?

Wow, thats great, you said it exactly like I've been thinking for some time now.
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by texanron »

Joseph Zamudio, who is mentioned in the story linked above, carries a concealed weapon. Fox News had a interview with this man this morning and he mentioned that he had a firearm on him that morning. He was inside a Walgreens buying cigs when the shooting started. Gretchen Carlson, host on Fox and Friends, asked Joseph if he always carried his gun when he went to Walgreens. He responded "I carry it with me everywhere".
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by mctowalot »

(His mug shot)

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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by RPB »

mctowalot wrote:
(His mug shot)
Jared's hair just keeps getting shorter and shorter.

I know what most people would do to that grin on his face.... I'm anxious to here who his cellmate boyfriend will be ... Charles Manson and him would get along probably.

Wonder how long his new retirement plan covers food, laundry, utilities, medical, dental, rent .... :mad5
I'm no lawyer

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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by powerboatr »

has it as posted he bought ammo at walmart before the shooting
i dont want to be less than human
but our walmart its hard to find personal protection ammo and most of them here only have RANGE boxes of 50 or 100

soooo to me that helps to explain why the bullet that went through the Giffords skull was not a hollow point or other expanding bullet type
which i think is good for the victims.
that being said i am deeply troubled by the loss of the 9 year old little girl, as i am with all the others that perished or were injured

this is of course all i have no proof or can find anywhere where it lists what type ammo he purchased

but walmarts screwy ammo policy (here its really hard to get anyone to look for pers defense ammo) may have prevented further deaths form this walking excrement

again I am not trying to make light of or diminish this event. only to try find answers to some questions from this shooting.

mods please if this is offensive to the rules of this site, please remove it
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by PappaGun »

I just saw a guy on Chris Mathews who was supposed to be the conservative called to task to answer for the right.

Too bad I came in late in the interview and never got his name.

He could not answer the most basic questions like "Why would you need to carry a gun at a political rally?" and "Why would you want to carry a gun at a political rally?".

He was a deer in the head lights and did a great disservice by making himself and thereby responsible gun owners look foolish.

Did any one else see this? It was at 6:50 tonight.

I'd sure like to know who he was.

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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by mr surveyor »

do you think msnbc would have rather had Ted Nugent speak for the 2A crowd?

They most likely found a stoolie to "play the part".... it IS msnbc
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Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona


Post by PappaGun »

mr surveyor wrote:do you think msnbc would have rather had Ted Nugent speak for the 2A crowd?
Nope. I still want to know who he was,
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