Obama's continuing legacy

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by bblhd672 »

http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room ... stigation/
Judicial Watch today released 695 pages of new documents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that contain admissions by IRS officials that the agency used “inappropriate political labels” to screen the tax-exempt applications of conservative organizations. Other records reveal that the IRS was going to require 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations to restrict their alleged political activities in exchange for “expedited consideration” of their tax-exempt applications.
https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavl ... e-n2308693
New documents obtained by government watchdog group Judicial Watch show the IRS targeting scandal was more expansive than previously known and show IRS officials admitting the tactics used to hinder conservative groups were inappropriate. The documents, which total 695 pages, were previously withheld by the Obama administration from Congress and were not included in the Congressional investigation into IRS abuse.
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who covered up many aspects of the IRS targeting scandal on behalf of former IRS official Lois Lerner, is still in charge of the agency.
How do you spell what the United States became under Obama's regime? BANANA REPUBLIC
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

For Obama, Syria Chemical Attack Shows Risk of ‘Deals With Dictators’ - The New York Times

New York Times questioning his legacy.

May have to rewrite that chapter in his memoirs.

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

Obama's $400,000 Wall Street speaking fee will undermine everything he believes in - Vox

Wow have to give Liberal Vox credit, calls them like they see them, except seems to think the Bushes and Nixon were the worst offenders, seeming to forget the Mother of all greedy speech givers ol'Hil.
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by Flightmare »

Deplorable lunatic since 2016

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by Abraham »

C'mon, liberals, goofy mis-lead college students, will easily agree to almost anything if it goes along with group think. They could have high IQ's with no concomitant wisdom.

They'd probably go along with the sayings of various (undisclosed) murderous dictators if it supported liberal this or that...because hey, everyone else thinks so...man...

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

http://articles.latimes.com/2009/apr/28 ... -100days28

LA Times article from April 28, 2009 as his 100 days arrives. He laments that he hasn't made enough progress on global warming.
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


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Tyranny is identified by what is legal for government employees but illegal for the citizenry.

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/12/politics/ ... istration/

Michelle Obama mad about school lunch changes. MSM makes it out like Trump wants to kill our kids. Says nothing about how unpopular her school lunch program was.

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

In what may end up being Obama's worst legacy, North Korea launched a missile that only went 500 miles and did not blow up. It landed in the ocean only 60 miles from Russia.

What the press really did not emphasize was that the missile reached an altitude of 1200 miles.

Space is only 60 miles.

So that missile could have gone any where in the world. The fact that it was brought down only 60 miles from Russia was either dumb luck or they really know what they are doing.

Regardless of how this finally works out, it will be blamed on Trump. No one really seems to realize that the war always starts during the peace. Osama bin Laden became a leader during Clinton's presidency. Kim Jong Un is Obama's baby.
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by bblhd672 »

philip964 wrote:http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/12/politics/ ... istration/

Michelle Obama mad about school lunch changes. MSM makes it out like Trump wants to kill our kids. Says nothing about how unpopular her school lunch program was.
If possible I care even less about what Mooshell thinks than I do about her husband Hussein.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by crazy2medic »

philip964 wrote:In what may end up being Obama's worst legacy, North Korea launched a missile that only went 500 miles and did not blow up. It landed in the ocean only 60 miles from Russia.

What the press really did not emphasize was that the missile reached an altitude of 1200 miles.

Space is only 60 miles.

So that missile could have gone any where in the world. The fact that it was brought down only 60 miles from Russia was either dumb luck or they really know what they are doing.

Regardless of how this finally works out, it will be blamed on Trump. No one really seems to realize that the war always starts during the peace. Osama bin Laden became a leader during Clinton's presidency. Kim Jong Un is Obama's baby.
We have the ability to shoot down those missiles, we have the ships in place that launch the interceptors, guess it's a good thing i'm not President because I would order the navy to shoot down N Korea's missile then of couse issue a profuse apology and claim our missile test inadvertently got mixed up in their missile test and we are sooooo sorry that happened, of course they would know and the world would know we are more than capable of taking out their missiles!
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

He plowed his field; now he faces a $2.8 million fine - USA TODAY

Farmer faces 2.8 million dollar fine for plowing his field for wheat in California. He didn't have the proper permit.

Reading down through its hard not to laugh at some of the points. He was not charged with destroying the habitat of the Fairy Shrimp.

No place but California. Seems Trump needs to drain faster.

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/ ... g-members/

Whistleblower reported, Obama knowingly let in MS13 gang members.

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

http://www.theamericanmirror.com/photos ... hind-wall/

In a coincidence, former President Obama is also like President Trump in Europe meeting with Angela Merkel in Germany. Saying things like you cannot hide behind a wall, while hiding behind a wall to protect him from tourists taking photos.
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by bblhd672 »

philip964 wrote:http://www.theamericanmirror.com/photos ... hind-wall/

In a coincidence, former President Obama is also like President Trump in Europe meeting with Angela Merkel in Germany. Saying things like you cannot hide behind a wall, while hiding behind a wall to protect him from tourists taking photos.
Why is the former President meeting with the leader of Germany? This is unprecedented interference by Obama to undermine President Trump and should be condemned by everyone with a shred of concern about our nation.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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