WildBill wrote:
I hope he understands that his "choice" of jobs is not guaranteed any more than the promises a politician makes during his campaign speeches.
Well no,. not really, at least for the army, can’t speak to the other services.
But for the Army, the enlistee will sign a contract for an enlistment term and a enlistment choice.
The choice may be a military occupational specialty, and if so, he if guaranteed that job.. If they army decides to do away with it before he get though AIT, or he does not complete the course standard (not including pre contract conditions) He will have a choice, take a different MOS offering, or be released from the contract.
Same with duty station of choice, if it becomes unavailable before he can be sent there, he is offered other choices, if he stick to it..if he refuses the other choices he can be let out of the contract.
Now the rest of the story.. once he has completed the AIT, and assigned as a widget repairmen... if the Army later changes , consolidates or otherwise removes his MOS,, he will be given a few choices to reclass,,, but will not be separated early from his contract.
Same with duty station of choice... the contract guaranties stabilization for 18 months,,,,,,, after that, you can be moved..
There are other gotchas, but the bottom line, is, the Army enlistee does have some initial control over getting the promised enlistment choice.. As always, if it’s not in writing, its not real…..
“You can change your job if you don’t like it” is not a lie, but not like it sounds.. yes at the end of your enlistment, if the Army needs body’s in a different MOS, you may be allowed to change MOS.
“You can be a Special Forces Soldier if you want” is not a lie…., but it’s more like, you can volunteer to go to assessment, if you are selected, you may be offered a shot at the qualification course, if you pass, you MAY be offered a chance to reenlist as an 18 something MOS. .
Program 9A - U.S. Army Training Enlistment Program
Program 9B - Station/Unit/Command/Area Enlistment Program
Program 9C - Enlistment Bonus/Army College Fund/Loan Repayment Program
Program 9D - Officer/Warrant Officer Enlistment Program