Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles

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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by ninjabread »

orionengnr wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 9:57 pm Yeah, while we're at it, mandate that everyone carry 6 safety flares, you know, just in case....
And a hard hat and a set of safety glasses. Just in case.
And a safety snakebite kit. Because, you never know.
And a case of safety bottled water. Because...well, you's for the children.

See how quickly that slope becomes slippery?

How about we pass a law that says that any legislator who votes to pass an unconstitutional law is imprisoned for life without possibility of parole?
Yeah, I'm on board... :lol:
You just have to realize the Texas legislature likes to have a bunch of "feel good" bills they can use as cover for not passing the "do good" bills, without making it completely obvious they're stonewalling.
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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by RoyGBiv »

ELB wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:24 pmTrolling Macron?
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by ELB »

I'm too lazy to go look up this bill (which is nonsense), but I wonder if vest requirements take into account existing requirements?

There is already a federal rule that requires police, firefighters, and roadworkers to wear reflective vests on federally funded highways. If I recall correctly, the enforcement authority comes having accepted any federal grant or other federal money -- then you have to wear a vest that meets requirements when on a highway that also received federal funds. The requirements include a minimum number of square inches of reflective material that has a certain amount of reflective brightness. The reflective material can be different colors -- generally vests designed for cops use blue, FF use red, EMS blue. Not sure about highway workers, silver maybe. The color is not a rule, just custom. The vests are also required to have break-away features (generally Velcro at key points) so that if the vest is snagged by a passing vehicle, the wearer doesn't get dragged down the street hanging by the side mirror. Vests designed for cops have higher hems so it doesn't interfere with their batman belts.

So which vest should the mere civilian use? If you open carry, then the cop vest would make sense, but you will be pummeled in every gun forum by people accusing you of having a wannabe-cop-Batman complex. If you are a VESP, then the FF vest (with the red reflective material) might work, or if you have a first aid course, then maybe the blue one.

But if you aren't a vollie FF or a ham radio RACES guy or haven't had firstaid since you were a boy scout and you conceal carry, what to do?
How confusing.
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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by AJSully421 »

When I see a bill number, then I will look at it.
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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by spectre »

Another push for motor vehicles searches without even some faint pretense of reasonable suspicion? :roll:

Wake me when enforcement of the financial responsibility law succeeds in lowering the percentage of uninsured motor vehicles below 5% in Texas.
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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by Jusme »

Another useless, bill, designed, to solve a non existent problem. Nanny state, progressives, don't believe, their "subjects" can take care of themselves, and need government to mandate, their protection. I carry, reflective clothing, flashlights, flares, etc. But I don't, and won't, do it because some legislator, decided, I'm too stupid, to be in public. JMHO
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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by bblhd672 »

AJSully421 wrote: Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:12 pm When I see a bill number, then I will look at it.
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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by E.Marquez »

warnmar10 wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:04 pm Normally I am skeptical of state mandates but I'm starting to recognize the benefit of yellow vests for safety... Thoughts?
My thought... Who is this proposal coming from? Name please. What is the bill number?
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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by warnmar10 »

E.Marquez wrote: Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:46 amMy thought... Who is this proposal coming from? Name please. What is the bill number?
I'm pretty sure this was the genesis.
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Yellow Vest Protests Spread To Canada, Criticizing Illegal Immigration, Carbon Taxes


Post by warnmar10 »

The plot thickens: Staff
Published Sunday, December 16, 2018 11:18AM EST
Last Updated Monday, December 17, 2018 9:58AM EST

Originally starting in France, yellow vest protests have moved to Canada. Many were held Saturday across the country criticizing the tax and immigration policies of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government.


“I’m tired of Trudeau basically doing what he wants with our money and sending it overseas,” Turk, a yellow-vested protestor, told CTV Edmonton. “Right now, personally, I’m facing a job crisis. All our oil jobs are gone, all our money is going south.”

In many cities, last week’s signing of the UN’s Global Compact for Migration in Morocco is what drove their anger. Canada was among the 164 nations that signed on. The United States was not.

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Re: Proposed: Texas require all motorists to carry yellow safety vests in their vehicles


Post by Alf »

You can buy a ten pack of yellow vests for $25 on Amazon if you have friends who want to protest the next Texas Speaker.

Flare guns for open carry are more expensive than that, but fireworks sales start Thursday in the red counties of Texas.
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